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Palworld has continued to smash records, and it has now become the number 2 on Steam for the record of peak-players as it crosses 7 million sales. There's also now a fancy roadmap.

It only recently jumped over Counter-Strike 2 for currently online players, but now it has also rocketed past CS2 on the record of peak-players overall with 1,864,421 versus CS2's all-time peak of 1,818,773 giving it the true number 2 spot on Steam which you can see on SteamDB. Absolutely incredible numbers for a brand new Early Access game.

A new roadmap has also been shared by the developer on X:

From the image:

[Early Access Roadmap]
・Addressing Critical Issues 
  ・Currently, numerous bugs have been identified, and we are prioritizing fixing those.
 ・Sometimes, the world date may experience rollbacks. 
 ・The loading screen may persist when trying to load into worlds.
...and so on.

・Improvements to Implement ASAP
 ・Key configuration improvements. 
 ・Improvements to base Pal AI and pathing.

・Planned Future Updates
 ・Raid Bosses (End-Game Content)
 ・Pal Arena (PvP for Pals) 
 ・Steam-Xbox Crossplay
 ・Various Xbox Feature Improvements
 ・Server Transfers and Migrations
 ・Improvements to the Building System
 ・New islands, Pals, Bosses, and Technologies.

Check out my previous Steam Deck video on Palworld below:

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There's also already a Steam Deck performance mod available, although it does reduce the visual quality a lot and it's already not especially great visually on Steam Deck to get it around 30FPS. It currently has a Steam Deck Playable rating and works just fine on Desktop Linux with Proton.

Palworld is available on Steam.

Have you picked up a copy? Or are you skipping it for whatever reason? Let me know in the comments.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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TimeFreeze Jan 24
Skipping it simply because when i hear Ark meets Pokemon i get the urge to vomit. I dislike both so its obvious why i have it "ignored" on Steam.
Cybolic Jan 24
I dislike any game that promotes the capture and use of animals for fighting. The only game of the genre I've picked up, is Cassette Beasts, precisely because the creatures are not captured, hurt or used. It might be a minor distinction for some, but I just cannot support a game that promotes - even through a fantasy lens - such horrible actions that very much do happen in the real world.

As for AI generated content, I am absolutely fine with it as long as it's used at the same level as mood-boards, reference photos and the like has already been used for ages already, or for "non-artistic" use, such as seamless textures (clouds, rocks, grass, etc.). Once we get into the territory of AI content being used instead of actual artists, that's when I start disliking it.
liberodark Jan 24
Very good game i hope next update fix memory leak in dedicated servers.
Liam Dawe Jan 24
Quoting: CybolicAs for AI generated content, I am absolutely fine with it as long as it's used at the same level as mood-boards, reference photos and the like has already been used for ages already, or for "non-artistic" use, such as seamless textures (clouds, rocks, grass, etc.). Once we get into the territory of AI content being used instead of actual artists, that's when I start disliking it.
Currently, there's no proof at all that Palworld used AI in any way - just FYI. It's all speculation.
Pengling Jan 24
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QuoteHave you picked up a copy? Or are you skipping it for whatever reason? Let me know in the comments.
It's not my sort of game, so no. However, as I mentioned in another article about Palworld, I'm happy to see it doing so well due to how the leading brand has become so complacent in recent times.

From my perspective, it's an interesting look at the market - people have been asking for years for Pokemon to be a bit more daring, and whilst it's understandable why that series often won't (or can't) branch out, it's cool to finally see that audience being served. And of course Nintendo was never going to offer anything for that audience - not only for the sake of maintaining the brand, but also because they expect people to strictly buy their own hardware for that, and not everyone wants it.

Quoting: Liam DaweCurrently, there's no proof at all that Palworld used AI in any way - just FYI. It's all speculation.
There are some folks out there who really have it out for this game, as if it's offended the honour of another series they like!

I don't get why folks go to bat for large corporations in cases like this - it's clear that this is something that the market wants, and as has been discussed before, the big brand they're defending does not and cannot own the elements that are being complained about, and has taken no action against things that bore greater similarities than this. I've even seen specific complaints about Palworld using tropes from Pokemon, but tropes are special in that they're specifically not copyrightable in the first place.

Personally, I'd be bloody grateful if, say, Bomberman (a series which I won't deny is pretty overlooked these days, not helped by Konami giving it pretty much no promotion), was getting extra attention from a good game that builds on its ideas, as is happening here - a boost like that would be good for both offerings, in such a case.
sonic2kk Jan 24
QuoteHave you picked up a copy? Or are you skipping it for whatever reason?

Very similar to what another user mentioned, the comparison to ARK has definitely put me off. I am also hesitant now moreso than ever because of the plans to include PvP (to me, this is a singleplayer experience). They do offer dedicated server software but I'm conscious that they may end up including Epic Online Services or some form of client-side Anti-Cheat. It does use Unreal Engine 5 if I'm not mistaken, and they plan to include crossplay, so I'm very cautious of this game.

The developer also has another game in Early Access, Craftopia, which has been in Early Access for a few years now. This isn't as huge of a factor for me as it is for others, but something that is in the back of my mind.

But mainly, I'm conscious of not getting caught up in launch hype for a game. I prefer to wait until things settle down (which is why I haven't bothered with Baldur's Gate 3). It's a psychological thing I think, when there's a lot of mainstream hype around a big release, it creates too much pressure to play the "in" thing.

The gameplay seems fun at least, and like it would have some cute moments, the pricetag seems about right too. But until that player count sinks down and until I see how they implement crossplay, I'll be holding out.
This is crazy. You never know what's gonna turn into an avalanche, huh? With numbers like that, I wonder if it will spur a decline in Fortnite. I wonder if this is catching on in Asia. I wonder if that means that next month's Steam stats will show a Linux decline as the "simplified Chinese" percentage jumps up.

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 24 January 2024 at 5:34 pm UTC
hell0 Jan 24
QuoteHave you picked up a copy? Or are you skipping it for whatever reason? Let me know in the comments.

Moderately interested, but I live in switzerland and swiss prices on steam are ridiculous. Might give it a go if it becomes available through other stores, by then they'll have fixed some stuff too.
I think the hype will die down pretty quickly, I’ve enjoyed my time playing palworld, but at present it seems like there’s only 30-40 hours of enjoyable gameplay before the endgame grind sets in. The open world is pretty empty, some of the mechanics are clunky, and there’s only a little over a hundred pals to catch.

Certainly been fun and worth the price though. We will see if Pocket Pair starts cranking out content and turns this into a long term investment, or if they focus on releasing to as many platforms as possible doing a cash grab and then rubber stamps a 1.0 release.
ticktok Jan 24
I've been having an absolute blast with it. Played it on my desktop and steamdeck and enjoyed both thoroughly.

I originally wasn't interested(I was never a Pokémon kid), but a guildmate hosted a private server so I hopped on with them and a few friends and it has been nothing but addictive fun. It's silly fun, but with good gameplay behind it.

People keep calling it a clone or an asset flip, but it has so many fantastic little QoL mechanics and little touches that it's obvious the devs have played games like these and/or listened to community feedback. Controller support is fantastic out of the box. Multiplayer for the most part works without any struggle. There's definitely early access problems. Models/locations with z-fighting, glitches and unexpected physics interactions, but nothing gamebreaking or that got in the way of my enjoyment.

I also think this game is probably much better with friends than single player. There's no real story and the world/npcs need to be fleshed out, so I could see playing solo being lonely. But with friends getting the joy of everyone discovering stuff and accomplishing things together really makes it fulfilling.

Last edited by ticktok on 24 January 2024 at 10:42 pm UTC
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