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The Caribbean Sail adds Steamboat Willie as a playable character

By - | Views: 40,921

With Steamboat Willie now being in the public domain, no doubt we're about to see a lot more of it. One of the first is Victorian Clambake's game The Caribbean Sail which added Steamboat Willie as a playable character. So what actually is The Caribbean Sail? You can read a little more from when contributor BTRE took a look back in 2018.

"Have you ever wanted to be a cartoon mouse pirate? Then have I got news for YOU! After 95 years since first stepping onto the world stage, Steamboat Willie is now a playable character in the Caribbean Sail!"

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What was added in the update:

  • New occupation: Steamboat Willie.
  • Unique ring smoke puffs for Steamships when playing as Steamboat Willie.
  • New shanty when playing as Steamboat Willie.
  • New artworks for plank walking, dying, hanging, and flogging.
  • A new little Blacksword Easter Egg.
  • Governor starts with £5,000.
  • Particle effects.

The Caribbean Sail has Native Linux support but currently no Steam Deck rating. See more on the update in the announcement.

You can buy it from:

Humble Store


Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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dpanter Jan 5

Spoiler, click me
drjoms Jan 5
I would bet a tenner, that copyright law is about to be extended.
pb Jan 5
Quoting: drjomsI would bet a tenner, that copyright law is about to be extended.

Not possible, it's already in the public domain.
Hell yeah.
Reyold Jan 5
It's also on Itch.io for those interested.
In your face, Three-Circle Empire!

(That said, these days I think they use the mouse almost entirely as a trademark, which is still totally intact. But still)

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 5 January 2024 at 3:57 pm UTC
Quoting: Purple Library GuyIn your face, Three-Circle Empire!

(That said, these days I think they use the mouse almost entirely as a trademark, which is still totally intact. But still)
They do, but it doesn't impact usage of the public domain character as much as popular opinion might have led you to believe. Center for the Study of the Public Domain has a great write-up on Steamboat Willie, Mickey Mouse, the copyrights and the trademarks and what you can do with him: https://web.law.duke.edu/cspd/mickey/

Fair warning that this is only interesting to a vanishingly small audience.
It's funny how the workers at Disney World were calling it Mousewitz, then asshole management caught on and pitched a bitch. So they then started calling it Duckhau instead. Considering who Walt Disney actually was, it's fitting.

I also love how the US enforces its copyright laws with an iron fist with shit here, but then when another country files a legit complaint about a US or US-backed company breaking said copyright laws, they do as little as possible or nothing at all. I'm looking at you Bacardi, you crooks.
F.Ultra Jan 5
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Quoting: Purple Library GuyIn your face, Three-Circle Empire!

(That said, these days I think they use the mouse almost entirely as a trademark, which is still totally intact. But still)

From what I've heard they have now bought up so many companies and franchises that their cartoon side is now a fraction of their income and that is why they didn't fought to extent copyright this time, basically Micky is worthless to them. As a fun side note Mickey was never big over here and instead Donald was the big Disney character (and we have a Donald special on Christmas Eve every year).
aye make Walt walk the plank
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