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Originally released back in 1984, ChipWits is a programming puzzle game and it's getting a modern remake in Unity that will be released on Steam. According to the Steam page, it will have Native Linux support too.

"ChipWits is a robot coding game with no prior programming experience required. In this game, you use an icon-based language to guide your robot to solve open-ended puzzles and rescue the crew of a space station taken over by a rogue AI, Dr. Droog."

The team working on ChipWits even includes one of the original co-creators, Doug Sharp. Sadly the other co-creator Mike Johnston died back in 2018 and a portion of the proceeds from the new game will go towards the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation in Johnston's memory (from their Team page). You can check the first trailer below:

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Like any good programming puzzler, there's no one-size-fits-all, with there being multiple solutions. It's easy to learn, but you can go back and improve to maximise your score if you wish much like Zachtronics games.

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