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Humble Bundle announced some new numbers recently, and it's quite impressive to see how much they're actually doing for various charities thanks to all their bundles.

Starting off from very simple beginnings back in 2010 from the crew at Wolfire Games, then being spun into its own company and eventually being acquired by Ziff Davis through IGN it's been through a lot of changes. Initially just running the Humble Indie Bundles, giving various cross-platform games all DRM free — they've since expanded rather a lot with a full store (although it's largely keys for other stores). They also now bundle up basically everything including games, software, music kits, assets for game developers, ebooks and more.

Their new report highlights that through 2023 they managed to raise over $14.4 million USD for over 7,500 charities, thanks to everyone buying from them. This includes the likes of The Prevent Cancer Foundation, charity: water, The Trevor Project, SpecialEffect and many other great causes. Overall they've now raised over $250 million for charities.

You can see their full 2023 Social Impact Report in a pdf from their website.

Check out their video going over it below too:

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