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Manjaro and Slimbook team up for the Slimbook Hero Linux gaming laptop

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So not only are Manjaro teaming up with Orange Pi for the Orange Pi Neo gaming handheld, they're also working with Slimbook for the new Manjaro Slimbook Hero gaming laptop.

Announced by both teams with a dedicated page on the Manjaro Website, the news post from Slimbook mentions "In recent years, there has been a noticeable growth in gaming support for Linux, thanks to initiatives like Valve's Proton, which enables Windows games to run on Linux systems. As a result of this progress, Slimbook and Manjaro are delighted to announce the launch of their highly anticipated gaming laptop designed to exceed gaming expectations, the Manjaro Slimbook".

Some of the specs:

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-13620H.
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 8GB.
  • Multicolored RGB keyboard with Linux-compatible software.
  • Display: 15.6" WQHD 2560*1440px 165 Hz.
  • Ports: 2x USB 3.2, 1x USB 2.0, 1x USB-C, 3.2, HDMI 2.1, MiniDP.
  • Connectivity: RJ45, Wifi 6, Bluetooth 5.2.
  • 16GB 5200MHz DDR5 (up to 64GB).
  • 250GB NVMe (up to 2TB x 2).

Price starts at 1,399€.

Always good to see more Linux hardware. Does it sound like something you might be interested in?

You can see more and order from Slimbook.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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pete910 Feb 15
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Shame no AMD option!
pete910 Feb 15
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Quoting: WorMzy
Quoting: pete910Shame no AMD option!

They definitely seem to have misread the mood r.e. Linux gamers hardware and distro choices!


It'll probably ship with X11 GNOME too.

Not even remotely interested in that hardware config, Looked to see if they did others but nope!
buono Feb 15
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Agreed - I too am an AMD fanboy, but at least it's Linux preinstalled AND aimed at gaming, which is pretty incredible and fantastic to see! :)
Relsre Feb 15
Relevant review video by Nick @ the Linux Experiment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYahh12bO7U

mini-DP on a laptop, in 2024? Strange, but I suppose it's better than no DP.

Last edited by Relsre on 15 February 2024 at 6:04 pm UTC
Lofty Feb 15
No AMD ? what is it about Manjaro that keeps screwing up

at least system76 have their finger on the pulse.

Last edited by Lofty on 15 February 2024 at 6:08 pm UTC
Running some numbers, it looks like System76 runs better deals for us in the US.

Also, I don't want to start a flame war, but isn't Manjaro a bad operating system? I heard multiple Linux people say that it's not good.
In the dark ages the black smiths and industry businesses used to get together and raise prices in lockstep so the consumer had no choice but to pay.

Sometimes Nvidia and Intel feel the same. To Intel's credit they have a open driver but it seems in the mobile space Nvidia has had a unbreakable monopoly with the right people in Asia.

The iron fist of somebody holding blackmail almost.

It really makes me wonder why there aren't competitive options.

AMD clearly has made inroads with getting all the game console contracts.

I don't think the industry is as tonedeaf as they pretend to be.

I think there is a invisible force and buko Nvidia bucks that know how to make sure these "vendors" keep making the "correct choice" Chicago mafia style.

The Linux market clearly wants AMD* for the open source driver for years and the consumer options for a beefy AMD GPU-Tank have been slim to none.

Last edited by ElectricPrism on 15 February 2024 at 6:48 pm UTC
pete910 Feb 15
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Quoting: NathanaelKStottlemyerAlso, I don't want to start a flame war, but isn't Manjaro a bad operating system? I heard multiple Linux people say that it's not good.

It gets a bad rap tbh, Mainly because people enable the AUR and don't take notice of what they are installing or more importantly what deps it will install.

I've run it for a few years now with no issues.
Quoting: NathanaelKStottlemyerRunning some numbers, it looks like System76 runs better deals for us in the US.

Also, I don't want to start a flame war, but isn't Manjaro a bad operating system? I heard multiple Linux people say that it's not good.

But flame wars are a SOAP opera and good for website viewership, haven't you heard ;) :P /s

Kidding aside, Manjaro's reputation is a bit ... infamous? They had some internal developer conflict over how to spend donations on dev equipment, their scripts DDoSed Arch repositories a couple times on accident, they had expired SSL certificates, I've known IRL people who have used their OS with mixed results (What i mean by that is that Manjaro was easier to install at the time and Arch was a better experience and more stable)

All in all as a judge of character I would probably esteem them as having a slight immaturity, having growing pains and some judgement and execution of vision imperfections.

In the same way that Purism has gotten a lot of vitrol criticism over the years, I am happy to forgive each as their contributions to the ecosystem have been invaluable.

Now, to reverse the criticism Manjaro has done a lot of good providing a low barrier to Arch (gateway drug, kidding ;P), and I do think their KDE Mobile Manjaro stack is a feather in their cap. Although their hardware is of no interest to me personally I do credit them for making it more common to have Linux First hardware.

At the end of the day the old saying comes to Mind

QuoteDon't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Manjaro has done well overall, I wouldn't expect perfection but they are pretty good, a solid 8 or 8.5 out of 10.
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