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Manjaro and Slimbook team up for the Slimbook Hero Linux gaming laptop

By - | Views: 40,657

So not only are Manjaro teaming up with Orange Pi for the Orange Pi Neo gaming handheld, they're also working with Slimbook for the new Manjaro Slimbook Hero gaming laptop.

Announced by both teams with a dedicated page on the Manjaro Website, the news post from Slimbook mentions "In recent years, there has been a noticeable growth in gaming support for Linux, thanks to initiatives like Valve's Proton, which enables Windows games to run on Linux systems. As a result of this progress, Slimbook and Manjaro are delighted to announce the launch of their highly anticipated gaming laptop designed to exceed gaming expectations, the Manjaro Slimbook".

Some of the specs:

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-13620H.
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 8GB.
  • Multicolored RGB keyboard with Linux-compatible software.
  • Display: 15.6" WQHD 2560*1440px 165 Hz.
  • Ports: 2x USB 3.2, 1x USB 2.0, 1x USB-C, 3.2, HDMI 2.1, MiniDP.
  • Connectivity: RJ45, Wifi 6, Bluetooth 5.2.
  • 16GB 5200MHz DDR5 (up to 64GB).
  • 250GB NVMe (up to 2TB x 2).

Price starts at 1,399€.

Always good to see more Linux hardware. Does it sound like something you might be interested in?

You can see more and order from Slimbook.

Article taken from
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Quoting: pete910Shame no AMD option!
To be fair finding any laptop with a AMD gpu is hard as hell (excluding Framework 16)
Quoting: NathanaelKStottlemyerRunning some numbers, it looks like System76 runs better deals for us in the US.

Also, I don't want to start a flame war, but isn't Manjaro a bad operating system? I heard multiple Linux people say that it's not good.
I'll just say that, last I checked, Manjaro held Arch's packages back for two weeks, so there is no guarantee that the AUR packages will work properly if they expect newer versions of system packages as dependencies.
elmapul Feb 16
Quoting: ElectricPrismAMD clearly has made inroads with getting all the game console contracts.
cough cough switch cough cough
Pengling Feb 16
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Quoting: ElectricPrismAMD clearly has made inroads with getting all the game console contracts.
Quoting: elmapulcough cough switch cough cough
Which, it should be noted, is currently sailing towards becoming the best-selling console of all time, no less. Its successor is claimed to use Nvidia hardware, too.

Anyway, I wouldn't want Nvidia in a Linux box myself, so though this device is nice to see, it's not for me - Nvidia's more hassle than it's worth, for me. As an almost entirely portables-focussed user (my only non-portable is a Raspberry Pi 4), I've had better experiences with Intel and AMD.

Last edited by Pengling on 16 February 2024 at 3:21 am UTC
The lack of AMD GPU is not really surprising, pretty much 99% of 'gaming laptops' with dGPUs have an NVIDIA GPU. That's just the way the market is.

Well kudos for Manjaro! Anything which puts "preinstalled Linux on well supported hardware out of the box" in the hands of consumers is a good thing.
amatai Feb 16
Quoting: NathanaelKStottlemyerAlso, I don't want to start a flame war, but isn't Manjaro a bad operating system? I heard multiple Linux people say that it's not good.

I have used Manjaro for years and it was awesome but they tends to have problem with stupid things* so it ended being more trouble than just using Arch directly or Endeavour which is like Manjaro but better. When Endeavour team do a mistake, their apologize on the front page on their website and the mistake is not repeated. I got fed up about things breaking regularly due to Manjaro mismanagement with the solution being shared on the forum by the community.

* For example, they forgot multiple time to renew their SSL which broke package installation and the 2-weeks release cycle ends up being more of a liability than a boon. Apparently they messed up other project on pine too but I'm not sure about that one.
Spirimint Feb 17
Ah dam i really looking for a new Gaming Laptop soon. My 2060 is still fine. But its hard to find any AMD GPU. Any suggestions?
Zelox Feb 17
Quoting: NathanaelKStottlemyerRunning some numbers, it looks like System76 runs better deals for us in the US.

Also, I don't want to start a flame war, but isn't Manjaro a bad operating system? I heard multiple Linux people say that it's not good.

Why is it bad? Its arch based, they test the updated before stable so it’s not as cutting edge as arch.
They got a great nvidia driver panel, it’s a lot more stable then Ubuntu, any os is more stable then deb based in my opinion, they always seems to break for me.

Valve recommends manjaro for there alternative to steam os. So it can’t be that bad if valve recommends it. To me manjaro is Linux mint with a twist for arch based os’es. A bit more newer software and cutting edge software then mint.
I'm glad to see more options to have Linux preinstalled but i'm not interested. Coreboot support is a must for me. Also I don't touch Nvidia GPU's except to run them in Nouveau. I'm more interested in the NovaCustom NV41 if I were getting a new laptop.
I know this will get me in trouble but I feel like no Arch Linux spin is ready to be shipped to the masses.
Even the kinda point release Arch Linux SteamOS 3 is flunky at times.
Then considering these devices are handed to the "not so tech savvy" folks.

Does Manjaro still do manual testing? Or did they finally moved to use something like OpenQA for their package integrity and bug testing?

If it comes to rolling release or semi-rolling Release openSUSE Tumbleweed, Aeon, Kalpa and Fedora and Silverblue are unrivaled in stability and reliability.
While openSUSE has a better shot at avg. Desktops users as there is simply never the need for a release update as it is common for Fedora and Manjaro. So the user just keeps on rollin while Aeon and Kalpa are fully automated and wouldn't even messup a Nvidia driver update.

Couldn't they have teamed up with openSUSE or Fedora? Those guys already know how to get immutable desktops right. :/
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