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Broken Sword - Shadow of the Templars is getting a big fancy remaster in Broken Sword: Reforged, and it's currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter by Revolution Software. It will have full Linux support too, as confirmed by the developer.

Somehow I entirely missed the campaign had actually launched, with only 11 days left to go. Seems plenty of people are excited to replay one of the best point and click adventures around, in full 4K with the Kickstarter campaign noting a £50,000 base goal and it's currently on £404,303.

You can pledge to get a digital code (GOG / Steam), or go for two different special Collector's Edition Boxes that include things like a figurine, a USB-C key, a manuscript, game manual and so on.

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Interestingly, they are using AI for the remaster. Here's what they said about their use of AI for it:

What parts of your project will use AI generated content? Please be as specific as possible.

Disclaimer: All training data comes from within Revolution Software. We wanted to use tools that were trained exclusively on our own data, and so we opted to write our own bespoke program in collaboration with The University Of York. Outputs from this tool have received significant intervention by our art team, ensuring that the final product receives the same level of attention to detail as any other artwork befitting the polished standards of a Broken Sword game.

Do you have the consent of owners of the works that were (or will be) used to produce the AI generated portion of your projects? Please explain.

Yes - the training data is comprised of sprites drawn by our animators.

Check it out on the Kickstarter.

You can also follow on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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This is the first time I've heard of this game, but it looks quite cool. I'm famously bad at point-and-click adventures, but it looks good. When it comes out on GOG, I might buy it.

Very interesting usage of LLM tooling. I wonder what the benefits are; it almost seems more costly and more work to do it the way they're doing it.

QuoteIt will have full Linux support too, as confirmed by the developer.
We'll see.

Previously, Previously, Previously, ...

Last edited by pleasereadthemanual on 18 March 2024 at 2:12 pm UTC
Nezchan Mar 18
Interesting that the "how do you specifically use AI" is entirely taken up by a disclaimer about how it's trained, and he doesn't actually say what it's used for.
Quoting: pleasereadthemanualThis is the first time I've heard of this game, but it looks quite cool. I'm famously bad at point-and-click adventures, but it looks good. When it comes out on GOG, I might buy it.

Very interesting usage of LLM tooling. I wonder what the benefits are; it almost seems more costly and more work to do it the way they're doing it.

QuoteIt will have full Linux support too, as confirmed by the developer.
We'll see.

Previously, Previously, Previously, ...

None of your Previouslys are games from this company. All Revolution's games published / remastered since 2010 have had Linux support. Two of them even had Kickstarters.

Beyond a Steel Sky
Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse
Broken Sword: Director's Cut (which is the one being remastered here)
Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror (the remaster)
mylka Mar 18
Quoting: pleasereadthemanualThis is the first time I've heard of this game, but it looks quite cool.

QuoteIt will have full Linux support too, as confirmed by the developer.
We'll see.

Previously, Previously, Previously, ...

you know this is a remake of a game that already has LINUX support?
when they say there will be a linux version, i am very confident, that they will deliver
they just released a game with linux support: Beyond a Steel Sky

anyways. sadly they wanted to release it Q1. now they have Q2.
but 400k sounds like they gonna remake all broken sword games. i am hoping for a 2D version of 3+4. 3D point and click does not work for me.
Quoting: mylkayou know this is a remake of a game that already has LINUX support?
when they say there will be a linux version, i am very confident, that they will deliver
they just released a game with linux support: Beyond a Steel Sky
No, I didn't know that

This post is the first I'm hearing of this game.

Quoting: rustybroomhandleNone of your Previouslys are games from this company. All Revolution's games published / remastered since 2010 have had Linux support. Two of them even had Kickstarters.
That's good to hear. A track record like that makes them trustworthy and gives that claim weight.


But, can you blame me for being skeptical? It's not a small number of Kickstarter campaigns that have promised a Linux version and never delivered it, or delivered it years later.
such Mar 18
2D versions of 3 & 4 would basically be new games, though. Those don't come cheap.
Quoting: rustybroomhandle
Quoting: pleasereadthemanualThis is the first time I've heard of this game, but it looks quite cool. I'm famously bad at point-and-click adventures, but it looks good. When it comes out on GOG, I might buy it.

Very interesting usage of LLM tooling. I wonder what the benefits are; it almost seems more costly and more work to do it the way they're doing it.

QuoteIt will have full Linux support too, as confirmed by the developer.
We'll see.

Previously, Previously, Previously, ...

None of your Previouslys are games from this company. All Revolution's games published / remastered since 2010 have had Linux support. Two of them even had Kickstarters.

Beyond a Steel Sky
Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse
Broken Sword: Director's Cut (which is the one being remastered here)
Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror (the remaster)
Didn't Cecil say they're not doing the DC stuff for the remaster? It'd be a remaster of the original if that's still the plan. Which is the better idea, to be honest.
crabel Mar 18
I have bought the "recent" Revolution games and they work fine on Linux. And I agree with mylka, remaking those 3D games would be nice, I didn't like the style either. Or a new one would also be nice.
Quoting: pleasereadthemanualVery interesting usage of LLM tooling. I wonder what the benefits are; it almost seems more costly and more work to do it the way they're doing it.
Maybe they just have/know more coders than artists.
Quoting: NezchanInteresting that the "how do you specifically use AI" is entirely taken up by a disclaimer about how it's trained, and he doesn't actually say what it's used for.
Well, I guess that's what people care about. I mean the questions he's really answering are "Are you arguably ripping off other artists' work?" and "Is the resulting art going to be crap because AI?" and he is taking pains to give a pretty convincing "no."
whizse Mar 18
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Quoting: crabelOr a new one would also be nice.
New one is in the works.
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