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Golden Lap is a new minimalistic racing strategy game announced by the developers Funselektor (art of rally) and Strelka Games (Hell is Others).

This is not a racing game where you've got control, instead you'll be managing a team. From the press release: "In this strategy-driven motorsport management game you’ll step into the fashionable shoes of a legend in the making — although this time you’ll stay behind the scenes instead of sliding behind the wheel yourself. Golden Lap offers sleek, minimalistic visuals and an intuitive design as it hands you the reins to your very own iconic racing team during the golden era of open-wheel racing. This is your chance to prove your worth as a strategic mastermind by making pivotal decisions and shaping the destiny of your team to leave your opponents in the dust!"

Check out the first trailer:

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No platforms have been announced yet, so it's not clear if it will have Native Linux support like art of rally. I'm sure it will work in Proton though if not.

You can wishlist it on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pengling Mar 20
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My apologies to the devs, but I always, ALWAYS misread Funselektor as "Funskeletor"!
Quoting: PenglingMy apologies to the devs, but I always, ALWAYS misread Funselektor as "Funskeletor"!
Wow. I would have expected Skeletor's laugh to be a bit more menacing.
Pengling Mar 20
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Quoting: Purple Library GuyWow. I would have expected Skeletor's laugh to be a bit more menacing.
Quoting: PenglingMy apologies to the devs, but I always, ALWAYS misread Funselektor as "Funskeletor"!
I ALWAYS read it as Funkselector.........

[Singing]Who is the man..... The man that selects all the funk that he can........ SHAFT....... Oh baby........

Last edited by StoneColdSpider on 21 March 2024 at 7:52 am UTC
whizse Mar 20
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Interesting this. I always did think transplanting the golden age of open wheel racing* from Grand Prix Legends (with the Dark Souls like difficulty removed) and adding the art style and third person perspective from art of rally would work supremely well.

I'm less sure about turning in the helmet and driving gloves for a tie and clip board. But I'm willing to give the theme manager bit a go!

* The 1967 season specifically!
Quoting: whizseInteresting this. I always did think transplanting the golden age of open wheel racing* from Grand Prix Legends (with the Dark Souls like difficulty removed) and adding the art style and third person perspective from art of rally would work supremely well.

I'm less sure about turning in the helmet and driving gloves for a tie and clip board. But I'm willing to give the theme manager bit a go!

* The 1967 season specifically!
Ive always liked the idea of management racing games..... But the recent ones have sucked....... The last decent one was F1 Manager from back in 2000.......

I hope this is good...... Ive added it to my wishlist........ Look forward to seeing how it is when its released........

If its really good I hope to see a Endurance/Le Mans expansion pack one day.......
cloudseer Mar 22
Seems like F1 Manager with abstracted visuals and quick time events, so doesn’t currently do it for me, but let’s hope it adds something to the mix. Fingers crossed.
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