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GOG revives Alpha Protocol along with a Spring Sale

By - | Views: 36,940

After being removed from various stores back in 2019, GOG have revived Alpha Protocol from Obsidian Entertainment along with the launch of their own Spring Sale. The original removal was due to expired music rights.

In regards to the release GOG said "With conjoined forces of GOG, Obsidian Entertainment and SEGA, we’ve made sure to make it better than ever; compatible with modern PCs, with licensed soundtrack and performance improvements that are sure to make this timeless classic, yet again, your favorite spy story".

To go along with the re-release GOG also worked with Raycevick to produce a video on reviving it:

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Some good deals going in the sale include:

Check out all the sales on GOG.com. The sale runs until April 4th, 8 AM UTC.

You can try out Heroic or Lutris to help you manage games for GOG on Linux Desktop and Steam Deck.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Linux_Rocks Mar 21
I bought Elvira's Horror Bundle. That's all I'm spending on this GOG sale, I think. lol

I remember the day Alpha Protocol came out. I had the day off work and I played through the entire campaign over the course of nearly fifteen straight hours minus food and bathroom breaks. It was janky in spots, as many Obsidian games are, but it was so much fun.

Last edited by PublicNuisance on 21 March 2024 at 3:42 pm UTC
Jarmer Mar 21
I never played Alpha Protocol, but people really seem to think it's amazing, and I adore Obsidian, so ....... I'm really tempted to pick this up.

but ........

Forbidden West
1 year old son

I need more time!!!!
ToddL Mar 21
I wonder if they'll ever put this version up on Steam in the future because I'm sure there will be enough people that want to buy this game for those that missed out on it before the delisting.
Cybolic Mar 21
"There are over 27 thousand abandonware games in world-wide circulation. That is more than half of Steam's current library"
Great, we're one sentence in and I already don't trust this video
CyborgZeta Mar 21
I wish it was on Steam. I basically quit buying games from GOG a couple years ago because it was easier just playing games in Steam. Still, I'm glad to see GOG do this, and I'm willing to buy it.
Jarmer Mar 21
Quoting: CyborgZetaI wish it was on Steam. I basically quit buying games from GOG a couple years ago because it was easier just playing games in Steam. Still, I'm glad to see GOG do this, and I'm willing to buy it.

It is much easier in steam, however I have had good success just using Heroic to do all my gog playing. You can just use whatever the most recent GEProton is by default for all games. Not AS easy as steam, but kind of close.
Lofty Mar 22
Quoting: Jarmer1 year old son

I need more time!!!!

you'll never get missed time back with your Son so id say spend it there and game later :)

Last edited by Lofty on 22 March 2024 at 12:19 am UTC
Jarmer Mar 22
Quoting: Lofty
Quoting: Jarmer1 year old son

I need more time!!!!

you'll never get missed time back with your Son so id say spend it there and game later :)

This is true. I did all of Horizon 1 before he was born. I'll take this to heart.
Quoting: Jarmer
Quoting: Lofty
Quoting: Jarmer1 year old son

I need more time!!!!

you'll never get missed time back with your Son so id say spend it there and game later :)

This is true. I did all of Horizon 1 before he was born. I'll take this to heart.
Yeah. Although, especially once he gets a bit older, a bit of balance is important too. It's important to still have your own life--and not just important to you, but in some ways important to him as well.
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