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Something around 11 years later, KeeperRL 1.0 has officially been released! A good choice perhaps for people who find Dwarf Fortress a little too much, and enjoy dungeon building.

More about it: "KeeperRL is an ambitious dungeon simulator with roguelike and RPG elements. Take the role of an evil wizard and study the methods of black magic. Equip your minions and explore the world, murder innocent villagers and burn their homes. Build your dungeon, lay traps and prepare for an assault of angry heroes.

When you control your minions the game changes into a classic roguelike, with turn-based and very tactical combat. You can also play as an adventurer and assault dungeons made by you or other players."

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It's not the end though, as the developer clearly has plans to expand it further. They said a 1.1 version is due later this year that will "contain more content and gameplay that didn't make it to the 1.0, including another playable keeper faction".

KeeperRL has Native Linux support and it is Steam Deck Verified! The code is also open source under the GPL.

You can buy it from:


Humble Store


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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Love the game. But I have to say that was unable to get the native version to launch though when I fist got the game. Works just fine now though after some patching. Always good to have Proton as a fall back.
Looks like something I would enjoy.
Siinamon Mar 9
This game is great fun! I have been enjoying it greatly.
Keksus Mar 10
Worth mentioning that you can get a steam key of the game by simply donating 20 bucks to a wildlife charity and sending proof to the dev. There's also a completely free version with only ASCII graphics and no sound available. Despite these two things it's the full version of the game.
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