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Valve has released a fresh Steam Client Beta for both Desktop PCs and Steam Deck, and with it there's some useful bug fixes and an interesting new screenshot adjustment for Steam Deck.

The Desktop Steam Beta changelog is as follows:


  • Fix an error when launching some games that was introduced in the previous beta

Steam Input

  • Fixed swapped A/B buttons when using Nintendo GameCube controllers
  • Reset Camera Horizon: Increase maximum delay to allow for a more consistent behavior on lower/less consistent frame-rates.


  • Fixed a case where the window may become unresponsive until resized.

That Linux fix is especially good, because honestly I thought I was going mad with how Steam was being so unresponsive lately, and couldn't figure out what was causing it and it seems others I spoke to saw it working fine. Turns out it was a bug and now it's fixed.

Meanwhile over on Steam Deck, you may have noticed a while ago with SteamOS 3.5 that screenshots no longer showed any of the Steam UI, including a removal of the performance overlay from screenshots. I did speak to Valve on this, and it was intentional, but I requested an option to have it back and now they've delivered!

Having the choice is good for people who want to show Steam UI (like the performance overlay) for whatever reason.

Steam Deck Beta changelog:


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the framerate limiter from applying changes.
  • Fixed screenshots not including Steam user interface elements.
  • Added an option to Settings->In Game to hide Steam user interface elements from screenshots.
  • Fix an error when launching some games that was introduced in the previous beta

Steam Input

  • Fixed swapped A/B buttons when using Nintendo GameCube controllers
  • Reset Camera Horizon: Increase maximum delay to allow for a more consistent behavior on lower/less consistent frame-rates.
Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pengling Mar 12
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QuoteThat Linux fix is especially good, because honestly I thought I was going mad with how Steam was being so unresponsive lately, and couldn't figure out what was causing it and it seems others I spoke to saw it working fine. Turns out it was a bug and now it's fixed.
Oh thank God that wasn't just me! It's been driving me mental, too!
Cyberworm Mar 12
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QuoteThat Linux fix is especially good, because honestly I thought I was going mad with how Steam was being so unresponsive lately, and couldn't figure out what was causing it and it seems others I spoke to saw it working fine. Turns out it was a bug and now it's fixed.

The funny thing is it was already fixed some updates ago but then it returned. I'm glad it didn't take ages to fix it this time
That's nice of them to add that option in for screenshots.
sonic2kk Mar 12
Very glad to see the Framerate Limiter fixed. All games were defaulting to 10fps and the max rate was set to 60fps with no 90 option available, and the limit wasn't doing anything anyway. I thought this was a bug with Preview so I switched back to Beta and it persisted. Now that it's fixed I can go back to Preview.
Soulprayer Mar 12
But still, XFCE, i3wm and other similar tiling window managers are having massive problems with Steam at the moment.
tuubi Mar 12
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Quoting: SoulprayerBut still, XFCE, i3wm and other similar tiling window managers are having massive problems with Steam at the moment.
I don't see any problems on Xfce.
Soulprayer Mar 12
Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: SoulprayerBut still, XFCE, i3wm and other similar tiling window managers are having massive problems with Steam at the moment.
I don't see any problems on Xfce.
Maybe you're using Steam in another way than me?
Pengling Mar 12
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Quoting: SoulprayerMaybe you're using Steam in another way than me?
I'm not experiencing any of that, myself. Mint Xfce, stable Steam client, Intel iGPU.

Is it an Nvidia issue?
tuubi Mar 12
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Quoting: Pengling
Quoting: SoulprayerMaybe you're using Steam in another way than me?
I'm not experiencing any of that, myself. Mint Xfce, stable Steam client, Intel iGPU.

Is it an Nvidia issue?
Or it could be a distro issue, seeing as we're both running Mint and they're on a rolling release distribution. And I'm running the Steam Beta client if that makes any difference.
Soulprayer Mar 13
Quoting: PenglingI'm not experiencing any of that, myself.
Quoting: tuubiOr it could be a distro issue
Okay, i really thought this was a Steam related issue with XFCE after I read this bugreport.
Then I need to dig deeper afterall.
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