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Linux on the desktop breaks 4% for the first time on Statcounter

By - | Views: 42,538

Another month down according to Statcounter at least, Linux on the desktop is doing better than ever. Take it with your usual little pinch of salt like any survey sampling though.

We've finally cracked 4%, which for Linux is a pretty big thing. How do they do it? They collect stats from over 1.5 million websites, so they have a pretty good sample size for it.

Here's how things have looked over the last year+

  • January 23 - 2.91%
  • February 23 - 2.94%
  • March 23 - 2.85%
  • April 23 - 2.83%
  • May 23 - 2.7%
  • June 23 - 3.07%
  • July 23 - 3.12%
  • August 23 - 3.18%
  • September 23 - 3.02%
  • October 23 - 2.92%
  • November 23 - 3.22%
  • December 23 - 3.82%
  • January 24 - 3.77%
  • February 24 - 4.03%

Here's a look at it since 2009:

See the worldwide desktop stats on Statcounter.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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foobrew Mar 4
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Quoting: micha..does anyone have a good reason why a huge chunk moved from macosx to windows since end of last year?

That was right about when the Intel-based Mac supply dried up (they discontinued them earlier in the year). The new ARM chips are good but it's not x86 so there's still a ton of software which will need to be ported over to it to take full advantage of the architecture. In the meantime, there's emulation but that always comes at a performance cost which may be negligible or significant depending on the app.

That's just a guess but the timing does seem to coincide. I know it's been a challenge for my own company that we're still working through since none of us devs want to give up our MBP's for a Windows laptop.
sarmad Mar 4
Nice spike at the end.
sarmad Mar 4
So, does any country beat North Korea's 23.72% Linux market share?
Quoting: sarmadNice spike at the end.
It totally is. If we were to cherry-pick our data to just the last few points, we could project world domination in a few years!

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 4 March 2024 at 11:40 pm UTC
Last month, I likely contributed to the Linux, macOS, and Windows statistics.

I dual-booted Windows once and visited NVIDIA's site to download the new installer.

I used my iMac for After Effects, and probably visited a site or two in that time.

I used my three Linux machines quite regularly, and used the fourth Linux machine to browse the web once.
ToddL Mar 5
Quoting: LibreTEKHopefully people begin making the switch due to Microsoft's gamble on forcing an AI "copilot" into their desktop OS. Not that I'm against AI but my goodness, that's gonna (as I said before, hopefully make users jump ship.

But all in all, exciting news! Been using Linux for over 10 years now and never thought it'd get to where it's at today.

This is the dream to have more people move over to Linux and one day, we'll see the Year of the Linux Desktop/Gaming finally become a reality like we're supposed to believe back in the early 2000s

Last edited by ToddL on 5 March 2024 at 5:42 am UTC
Sparhawk Mar 5
More and more people that I would not even expect to touch linux, already run linux.
It's getting more mainstream and windows does a great job of keeping to suck.
let Mar 5
I bet the actual marketshare is much bigger than that, because many linux users are more privacy-conscious, and use an adblocker which blocks statcounter's tracker and thus the requests not adding anything to the marketshare ratio.
Eike Mar 5
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Quoting: Purple Library GuyI really wonder what's going on. As far as I know there hasn't been some major manufacturer suddenly marketing a big line of Linux computers, or anything. And as Tuxee said, I don't think it's the Steam Deck because I doubt most people browse the web with their deck.

I don't know how large this group is, but software development is moving towards Linux. I'm in a conservative company in a conservative corner, and even here we got people having got rid of Windows.
nenoro Mar 5
Soon Valve will migrate to gentoo and will dominate the market but then they will switch for FreeBSD.

And there are still people who keep mocking Ganoo/Linoox but cry when windows 11 is broken... windows has been broken after windows 3.1

Last edited by nenoro on 5 March 2024 at 5:35 pm UTC
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