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Racing game New Star GP is out now and Steam Deck Verified

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New Star GP looks like it could be a lot of fun for motorsport fans! It just released on March 7th after a period in Early Access, and it is Steam Deck Verified.

If you love racing games that aren't too serious, this could be one for you with a great low-poly style to it like some classics. You know what this reminds me of? Going to the arcade a lot when younger, seems like it gives off that same sort of feel.

"NEW STAR GP is the arcade racing game where every decision counts - on and off the track! You take control of your own motorsport team, guide your team’s technological development, plan your race strategy, take the wheel, and drive to victory! With a simple but deep gameplay experience and appealing retro visuals, NEW STAR GP puts you in the driving seat for every twist and turn as you manage and race your team through decades of racing, from the 1980s all the way to the present day!"

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Lots of different race types including GPs, Elimination Races, Time Trials, Checkpoint Races, and one-on-one Rival Races and then you've got car upgrades, staff perks to deal with and much more. It's quite a feature-filled game.

Something else that's great about it that we really don't see enough of in racing games is split-screen multiplayer, good for a laugh when you've got a few friends over. And since it's Steam Deck Verified, you can take it on the go to show off. No ProtonDB reports for it yet, but it should work just fine on Desktop Linux with Proton since it's Deck Verified.

Available from the Steam store.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Linux_Rocks Mar 13
I've got this on my wishlist. I'm definitely gonna pick it up on sale at some point.

We've come a long way since this:
Pinguino Mar 13
Thank you for the tip, Liam! I would probably have dismissed this one as "yet another Virtua Racing clone", but it does look like a lot of fun. I think it's great when arcade racers add elements like tyre and fuel strategy that make the race more than just about going as fast as you can.

The gameplay posted here doesn't do it much justice though, so I invite people to check out the videos and screenshots they put on Steam.
Quoting: Linux_RocksI've got this on my wishlist. I'm definitely gonna pick it up on sale at some point.

We've come a long way since this:
I had a racing game on my TRS-80. It was a top-down view and the car was a little rectangular blob of white.
whizse Mar 13
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Quoting: Purple Library GuyI had a racing game on my TRS-80. It was a top-down view and the car was a little rectangular blob of white.
Hmm... TRS-80, late 1970.. During that era the rectangular blob probably had six wheels!
Pengling Mar 13
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Quoting: Linux_RocksWe've come a long way since this:
Quoting: Purple Library GuyI had a racing game on my TRS-80. It was a top-down view and the car was a little rectangular blob of white.
How about this?

Quoting: PenglingHow about this?

I had one of those back in high school.

This lives on as a free game for android -
Pengling Mar 13
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Quoting: Avehicle7887I had one of those back in high school.

This lives on as a free game for android -
That is genuinely awesome. I had a miniaturised keychain version all the way back in 1997, myself!
scratchi Mar 14
Too bad no native linux build. I played over 30 hours of Horizon Chase Turbo on my T530 with FreeBSD...this looks like right up that alley, but the T530 has a Fermi which means no Vulkan which means no Proton which means I can't play this game on it :( I know I'm a very obscure corner case, but the games that laptop can play, it plays well, so I hope the library for it grows with games like this. Oh well
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