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Itching for a new tactical RPG with squad-based combat and interactions? Looks like Zoria: Age of Shattering could be your next game. It recently released along with Native Linux support. While it's going to be exceptionally difficult for anything to live up to Baldur's Gate 3, in this case it still looks pretty good if you're in the mood for something more. 

Zoria is a single player tactical RPG with faster paced combat than traditional turn-based RPGs along with an emphasis on class synergy, outpost and follower management wrapped up in an expansive fantasy world. The developers, Tiny Trinket Games from Romania, joked the release was "International Stop Playing Baldur's Gate 3 Day".

Check out the new launch trailer:

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  • Dynamic turn-based combat in an ever-changing environment.
  • Build and develop your base. Manage your squad and send them on autonomous missions.
  • Craft, rest and survive-a bonfire provides a safe spot to restock your resources and prepare for the coming battle.
  • Specific party member skills can open new areas and quests.

And hey, RPS said it "punches above its weight" so sounds pretty interesting.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Expalphalog Mar 13
I've been bottling this up for years: I fucking hate crafting. I abhor every aspect of it and it annoys the hell out of me that every single game contains it now. Doesn't matter if it's an RPG, a shooter, or whatever. They are all crafting games now.
Jarmer Mar 14
Quoting: ExpalphalogI've been bottling this up for years: I fucking hate crafting. I abhor every aspect of it and it annoys the hell out of me that every single game contains it now. Doesn't matter if it's an RPG, a shooter, or whatever. They are all crafting games now.

I used to have the same exact sentiment. I can remember playing Dragons Age Inquisition and HATING the fact that the game so clearly wanted to go to the crafting area of the castle constantly to use up all the ingredients etc.. I just wanted to delete that entire part of the otherwise wonderful game.

I guess the games won, and beat me into submission over the past few years though, since now I use crafting in all of them. I think I just realized it's just part of everything and might as well lean into it?
Jarmer Mar 14
Quoting: GuestGraphics look bad. And it looks like it doesn't have a story. Not sure i'm interested in the game. I hate when they make crpg's with no story. It's no fun if its just endless combat. In fact, its a shame that games like Encased died because they offered unique gameplay elements in a CRPG format other than endless combat.

It definitely does have a story. How we all might judge that story is a different conversation lol, but there's definitely one there. The campaign starts off with specific quests related to the story.

And it's definitely no supermodel, but the graphics aren't bad at all. It looks fine to me. I just want to make clear I'm not defending the game at all, I have only played it for like 1 hour, but just giving my perspective on it. CRPGS are probably my favorite genre.

I never could get into Encased. Tried but it just didn't click for me for whatever reason. Should I give it another go? What's unique about it?
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