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The team behind the post-apocalyptic ATOM RPG have launched a demo and crowdfunding campaign for Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy, a fantasy cRPG inspired by Infinity Engine titles like Baldur's Gate 1, Icewind Dale and other classics. Just like their previous games it will have Linux support too.

Check out the new trailer:

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  • A flexible combat engine. Experience battle as a tactician in turn-based combat, or hasten the pace with the real-time with pause (RTwP) mode.
  • A classless roleplaying system: each stat combination provides a distinctive gaming experience, exclusive dialogues, and novel ways to solve quests.
  • A classics-inspired yet modern User Interface with many Quality of Life improvements from our contemporaries;
  • A vast, nonlinear world filled with unique NPCs and multi-solution quests that reward exploration, always offering alternative approaches to satisfy any character build.
  • Dozens of hours of exploration, from quiet village hamlets to hidden temples of the ancients, horrid crypts, bizarre dungeons, and otherworldly locales.

With it being on Kickstarter they have a minimum funding goal of €36,000 and considering they're a proven developer, along with this genre getting a nice boost from Baldur's Gate recently it's likely to get funded quite easily.

Check out the demo on Steam now and the Kickstarter to help fund it.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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robvv Mar 26
Downloading the demo as I write. Looking forward to seeing what the Atom devs came up with this time!
Raaben Mar 26
Looks interesting so far, gonna mess around with that demo this weekend for sure. Really liking that demos seem to be becoming a thing again these days.
Seems kind of . . . standard. Right down to being set in a place called "Draconia".
redneckdrow Mar 26
Quoting: Purple Library GuySeems kind of . . . standard. Right down to being set in a place called "Draconia".

Yup, and Thedas is literally an acronym for "The Dragon Age Setting".

Now, generic might not mean bad, but it doesn't stop me from being irked by laziness. Literally every new fantasy setting seems to get a more and more generic name.

Warning, slightly tangential:
Spoiler, click me

As a fantasy fan who's also into anime (thanks Lodoss, which was originally Ryo Mizuno's OD&D campaign that he turned into a franchise with its own P&P RPG), most of the newer anime pick the lowest common denominator of place names.

For example, Frieren, despite being one of the best 'serious' fantasy anime in decades, just tosses around gratuitous German names and phrases for nearly everyone and everything.

That aside, the game sounds right up my alley. To infinity and even further!
whizse Mar 26
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Quoting: Purple Library GuySeems kind of . . . standard. Right down to being set in a place called "Draconia".
If you don't like it, try another game?
whizse Mar 26
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Quoting: redneckdrowYup, and Thedas is literally an acronym for "The Dragon Age Setting".
Hah! Did not know that.

It's the Guybrush Threepwood of continents!
nenoro Mar 27
and i haven't played the two Atom... backlog is crying about me
Jarmer Mar 27
Love AtomTeam!

I downloaded the demo, and unfortunately the linux version had just a black screen (missing into cinematic I guess) and no audio at all (but that's not this game, that's a system wide issue for me for whatever reason).

So I changed over to proton and it ran wonderfully.

Has a super retro feel to it, but so far so good. Definitely brings back the old school feel of Baldurs Gate 2 or similar. Combat seems fine, exploring does as well. I already like that they reward exploring with secret items, etc... and have hidden treasure that you must dig up.

Will definitely wishlist! I won't support pre-order or kickstarter, but will gladly track the development and look forward to release!
Trias Mar 28
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Quoting: JarmerI downloaded the demo, and unfortunately the linux version had just a black screen (missing into cinematic I guess) and no audio at all (but that's not this game, that's a system wide issue for me for whatever reason).

For me demo also started with a black screen, but a single Esc key was enough to proceed. Both intro and the game itself played fine after this.

I liked ATOM RPG very much in the past and Swordhaven demo wasn't bad either, so I decided to give them some support on Kickstarter... :).
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