Cozy Space Survivors is an upcoming simple cozy time survival roguelite in space, a game for people who don't have all that much free time.
The developer said they were inspired by the likes of Vampire Survivors for the general simple gameplay, Binding of Isaac for physicality of bullets, Halls of Torment for adding Quests to a Vampire Survivors-Like, Fallout for the story summary at the end of the game and Into the Breach for the little NPC dialog texts which add so much atmosphere and so they've blended all the basic ideas into a simple but sweet package with Cozy Space Survivors.
About it: "Explore a colorful, tiny universe. Help its cute inhabitants solve their problems. Use satisfying weapons to defend you and your new friends against hordes of quirky enemies. You can focus on controlling your shipy while shooting happens automatically. There are unique landmarks to discover, and enemies leave experience points for level-ups to gain new skills. In addition, you can mine chocolate asteroids to unlock permanent upgrades."
See their WIP trailer below:

Direct Link
The developer, Simon Trümpler, has previously worked on the likes of X:Rebirth, Sacred 2, RIME, The Invisible Hours and more and now they're making their own game.
Try out the demo on Steam which has Native Linux support made with Godot Engine.
Wow, that's just adorably violent.Big Brotato-vibes. Space-tato! I'll be picking this up when it's out. Looks awesome. Just hope I remember... I'll wishlist it, but my wishlist is, well, goddam, it's big.
[Edit - played the demo today and yep, this is awesome. Not only do the movement and shooting feel great, and the upgrades familiar and fun, but the whole theme is just immensely wholesome. Definite insta-buy on release]
Last edited by scaine on 4 Apr 2024 at 6:08 pm UTC
I just made this account to write this answer to say "THANK YOU!!" for covering my little game. It's the very first article about Cozy Space Survivors, and it feels amazing that someone has stumbled across my project and featured it.
Have a VERY nice day!

Last edited by simonschreibt on 4 Apr 2024 at 5:39 pm UTC
Wow, that's just adorably violent.Thank you! In fact, it was a weird thing to realize, that making cute enemies is a bit counter-productive as you need to kill them. :,(
Just hope I remember... I'll wishlist it, but my wishlist is, well, goddam, it's big.The good thing abount my game: It's short! So it will be easy to finish in 2-4h (including all achievements) and feel the satisfaction of getting something off the pile of shame. :)
And not to forget the developers blog, especially section "game art tricks": https://simonschreibt.deThanks for mentioning my blog!

Last edited by simonschreibt on 4 Apr 2024 at 5:48 pm UTC
The good thing abount my game: It's short! So it will be easy to finish in 2-4h (including all achievements) and feel the satisfaction of getting something off the pile of shame. :)
I noticed the run ending after 10 minutes and I was like "nooooo! I'm so adorably powerful now!!!!", but in hindsight, the shorter run is great for pick-up-and-play moments. Very satisfying to play, especially those final two minutes when the big enemies starting literally pouring towards you. Really enjoyed this.
Well, I wishlisted it, and downloaded the demo, and went to play it, and it said I should use a controller. I don't have one so I guess I'm not going to get the game when it comes out.You can use keyboard and mouse too, had no issues here, it even tells you on the screen.
Well, I wishlisted it, and downloaded the demo, and went to play it, and it said I should use a controller. I don't have one so I guess I'm not going to get the game when it comes out.Yeah, it's literally just movement. Arrow keys would work. I did use my Dualsense personally though - I don't remember the game telling me to use a controller, but Steam itself did (you can disable that prompt if you want).
Oh, well then. I'll give it a shot.Well, I wishlisted it, and downloaded the demo, and went to play it, and it said I should use a controller. I don't have one so I guess I'm not going to get the game when it comes out.You can use keyboard and mouse too, had no issues here, it even tells you on the screen.
I noticed the run ending after 10 minutes and I was like "nooooo! I'm so adorably powerful now!!!!", but in hindsight, the shorter run is great for pick-up-and-play moments. Very satisfying to play, especially those final two minutes when the big enemies starting literally pouring towards you. Really enjoyed this.
Thank you! <3 That's great to hear! And yes, I love Vampire Survivors / Halls of Torment, but sometimes the 30 minutes per session were a bit long for me. So I decided to make everything a bit shorter. :)
Well, I wishlisted it, and downloaded the demo, and went to play it, and it said I should use a controller. I don't have one so I guess I'm not going to get the game when it comes out.
As Liam already stated: You can use Controller, Mouse OR Keyboard. Hope it works for you!
Margot got a nice housy, I get a nice shippy, yep yep yep, this sounds like the Survivors game for me. Wishlisted!
Thank you! Hehe yes, Margot loves her housy a lot! <3
Last edited by Supay on 17 Apr 2024 at 6:54 pm UTC
It is really a nice cozy game to relieve your stress and cute.
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