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Fantasy city-builder Songs of Syx is approaching the end-game

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Songs of Syx is approaching the end-game now with a new Beta release out for version 66, which as usual has tons of changes for this massive city-building strategy game. This update needs you to opt into the Beta until it's released for everyone.

In the announcement the developer mentioned a recent sale, plus the game being picked up by the YouTuber SsethTzeentach, which led to the game once again doing well on Steam going into the Top 20 worldwide briefly which ended up giving the developer "6 months normal revenue in 24h" — wow.

The changelog for v66 is pretty big and the developer mentioned it's likely the last before the big 1.0 release, with the focus on mid to late game. This includes a new campaign engine, the tutorial was turned into a campaign, scripting for generating random games, different scenario options for modders, 14 new soundtracks, big improvements to the save system, various artwork improvements and the list goes on and on.

See their big overview of the update below:

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You can buy it on GOG, itch.io and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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I tried the demo out a few years ago (props for having an unlimited-duration demo!) and wasn't quite interested enough at the time to pick it up, but found it worth following and watching. I should check it out again now that it's had a few years' development – it's definitely got some interesting features for a colony-building game.
Ehvis Apr 25
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Nice. If it's feature complete now, I should pick it up again. I left it a long while back because I couldn't really justify putting in all the time to figure it out when everything is still in motion.
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