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More work is ongoing for the upcoming KDE Plasma 6.1 release, and there's some fun stuff being added like the ability to sync your keyboard RGB lighting up to your Plasma accent colouring. This won't be forced of course, you can turn it on / off any time, and the option will only be available if it can detect it.

As noted by developer Nate Graham in a blog post, see the video taken from the merged code by Natalie Clarius and there will be an easy toggle option for it:

Some other useful changes coming include the option to crop image using the Spectacle screenshot tool making a return, this time integrated properly instead of using a 3rd-party library. That will be very useful.

Another big one is the ability to properly assign shortcuts to modifier keys. So you can rebind keys like Meta by itself allowing you to bind it to actions like opening the Overview, KRunner or anything else instead of having to edit some obscure file. They said this "work required extensive re-plumbing throughout KDE’s software stack". I sure do love the customization in Plasma!

Various other improvements on the way like proper error messages in the Dolphin file manager for actions you can't do, In Elisa (a music player) you can now switch between list and grid views as you see fit, You can now select multiple wallpapers in Plasma’s "add new wallpaper" dialog and various bug fixes.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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jordicoma Apr 8
Next step is to let Elisa use the rgb on ALL the computer to be sync with the music, then I would consider buying an rgb keyboard.
For now, rgb lights, only distract.
*sighs*... it's a nice attempt but multi-rgb is *not* well suited for many RGB keyboards. It's really only good for single zoned, and has no capabilities for modes.

The music idea is also likely out as it's dependant on how the vendors expose the api for writing to rgb..

The kernel desperately needs a better API for multi-RGB. And from what I've seen it might end up following the Microsoft version of it (
Bogomips Apr 8
The only RGB control I want is to turn off NVIDIA's RTX lights :)
morbius Apr 8
We need this for Gnome, too. I put the lighting of my keyboard to the accent color of the Gnome, it would be cool if that could be done automatically.
tfk Apr 8
Would like to see how this works with my Wooting.
whizse Apr 8
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Support seems to be limited to "RGB capable LED devices in /sys/class/leds/; [...] provided it has .../multi_intensity" which I guess rules out anything needing OpenRGB to function?
pilk Apr 17
Oh, that's neat. My GMMK 1 plays nice with OpenRGB, I'd like to see if it works with this too.
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