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Lefties unite! Counter-Strike 2 now lets you swap hands

By - | Views: 37,391

All you Lefties out there can finally get properly represented, in Counter-Strike 2 that is, as there's now the ability to swap your weapons into the other hand.

The latest update to CS2 adds in weapon hand swapping, with an option to set your preferred hand. Plus there's a keybind to swap around mid-game too whenever you feel like it. Nice. I know, this isn't truly breaking news but hey - it's nice to see such a feature for those that want it right?

The buy menu was also updated with some new tricks too like showing you the minimum amount of cash you'll have next round to make purchase planning a bit easier, and there's now a dropped weapons panel where you can see and actually pick up any weapons around you dropped by you or teammates. Sound quite useful!

Other UI changes include a line-up reticle for grenade throwing, along with new hotkeys to adjust the radar map zoom level actually during a match. There's also a scoreboard on the ESC menu now, a kill feed icon for in-air kills and an icon to show bots on the scoreboard.

Plus various other changes.

Personally, I'm just waiting for Danger Zone 2.0. I feel a bit lost with it, it was good fun. Do you think Valve will bring it back for Counter-Strike 2.0? With the big engine upgrades they could probably do a lot more with it now too.

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As a left-hander, I'm actually pleasantly surprised. That's something that has never occurred to me that I want, but I do.

Everything from ice scream scoops to scissors are against us, It's nice to know that valve has our back.
Dennis Apr 26
Played like 4k hours on CS:GO with the lefthand view model. Was a bit confusing to get the "normal" right hand mode and now lefthand is back again!
This and the other changes are at least some more changes this game needs.
Nateman1000 Apr 26
Woke left infects counter strike, makes it left handed
ToddL Apr 26
Quoting: Nateman1000Woke left infects counter strike, makes it left handed

That's what I was thinking when I first read the headline
Liam Dawe Apr 26
Quoting: Nateman1000Woke left infects counter strike, makes it left handed
Damn, this was my chance to do such a headline.
denyasis Apr 26
Ooooo, with the key bind to switch it, i hope it's only a matter of time till they implement alternate hands for us cross hand/eye dominant people!!

Or I could just do it with the key bind manually!! Lol!
QDS Apr 26
I'm right handed but left eyed, so for me holding a gun in my left hand is the only way I can shoot in real life. I've accepted games being mirrored but I still love seeing this change.
whizse Apr 26
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That's nice to see. Not that I ever play shooty games, but I'm left handed so it's a good feeling.
linux_gamer Apr 26
A new minority to shot at, nice!
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