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The big hit medieval strategy game Manor Lords works well on Linux

By - | Views: 33,787

Manor Lords is currently another 2024 release smashing through the charts on Steam! Coming from developer Slavic Magic and publisher Hooded Horse, it's certainly impressive. Note: personal purchase, but publisher did send a key that I missed - woops.

A game that blends together a medieval city-builder with a full RTS game where you try to take over neighbouring lands, it's a really interesting mix that will suck away a lot of your time.

Thankfully, this Early Access release already works rather well on Desktop Linux thanks to Proton. I've been testing it with Proton 9, and apart from the pop-over tutorial videos being blank, it's been smooth-sailing. That is the only Linux-specific issue I've encountered with it so far as all other issues seem to be present on Windows too from reports I've seen on Steam.

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Testing on my main desktop system with Proton 9 (Beta): Kubuntu Linux 23.10, AMD Ryzen 5800X, Radeon RX 6800 XT with Mesa 24.0.6 at a 2560x1440 resolution with the settings cranked up to the maximum (with FSR on Quality) it has been performing really well above 100FPS.

I'm going to be spending a lot more time with this one as so far I am thoroughly captured by the setting, the mechanics, the visuals and pretty much everything about it. There's certain rough edges though of course, with it being Early Access (where the dev estimates another year to finish it) but fantastic so far. It can be quite a challenge too, especially with how construction depends on having Oxen, if you're dumb (like me) and allow them to all run away early on, you're pretty much screwed. There's no doubt going to be plenty of tweaks to the balancing on that, but I gather it's not supposed to exactly be easy and you will learn from your mistakes as I did.

What blows my mind is that Manor Lords is mostly the work of solo developer Greg Styczeń. It goes to show what small teams can accomplish. Publisher Hooded Horse mentioned on X (formerly Twitter) that Manor Lords has already sold over 1 million copies in only about a day. They said:

Since yesterday's launch Manor Lords has already sold over 1 million copies & hit a peak Steam concurrent player count of 170k - highest ever for a city builder (or for other different genres like GSG/4x/colony sim).

Manor Lords is available to buy from:



Humble Store


Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Well I dunno if it's fun to play, but it sure looks impressive.
questioner9 Apr 29
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Reminds me of the game Medieval Lords that I played as a kid. Both the concept and the name are quite similar! Manor Lords looks like its quite a bit more sophisticated though. Reckon I'll try it out once its released from early access.
STiAT Apr 29
Cool, really looking forward to that one, hope it continues to run well on either native or proton. But I made the mistake of buying early access and burning out before release before (Valheim ...) - so I'll wait for the release with that one. It hits all the boxes, medieval, city building, RTS... I really could like that one. What I saw so far on Videos - I really liked it.
finaldest Apr 29
If anyone likes Settlers 2 and 3 then you will like this game. Population and resource management is very important and each decision can have serious consequences. The game has a overall blend of say 85% city building and 15% combat warfare (total war like) but very basic by comparison.

The game is in early access though so bear that in mind. There is no Linux support but steam proton works fine. Would definitely recommend if you enjoy these types of games. I used to love playing settlers 2 back in the day.
rustigsmed Apr 29
yes really enjoying it (sorry Robocop you're gonna have to wait to be finished..) have already sunk 10hrs into it.
performance is good, ultra native 1440p zoomed out getting around 190-210fps when zoomed right in about 130fps (7900xtx- 5950x). on my laptop (13700h - rtx4060) im getting enough to run it at native 2560x1600 about 60 zoomed in and 100fps zoomed out on High. I think there is a lot of headroom for less powerful machines. Note that you usually play zoomed out or in-between.
redneckdrow Apr 30
Sounds like you could use a few ox driving tips, Liam!

Why, yes, I do have a bluegrass/country/old-time tune for just about any occasion....

Last edited by redneckdrow on 30 April 2024 at 12:43 am UTC
TheSHEEEP Apr 30
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Quoting: Purple Library GuyWell I dunno if it's fun to play, but it sure looks impressive.
It is a very promising game, but currently extremely bare bones.
Definitely overhyped (for what it offers right now).

I'd say you have about 5-7 hours of actual content (unless you play on 1x speed, which is... why?!?!) until you reach the end of what's in the current version.

With the success of the game, I hope the developer manages to hire some additional hands to help move things along faster.
TangoBaker Apr 30
It's a good game. A medieval dwarf fortress with less detail and better graphics. Not singularly great right now and not a whole lot that you can't get in other games but it could be more if the dev keeps going.

Just a note, as it stands right now if you play a game with a victory condition, once you win you can't continue in sandbox mode. You get the option but you basically "win" again, every day, complete with final screen and the game rapidly gets unplayable due to all the congratulations.
Nezchan Apr 30
Quoting: redneckdrowSounds like you could use a few ox driving tips, Liam!

Why, yes, I do have a bluegrass/country/old-time tune for just about any occasion....

If you wanna be happy, listen to bluegrass music.

If you wanna be sad, listen to bluegrass lyrics.
grumpytoad Apr 30
article needs an early access tag..
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