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Besiege is good fun having you construct various mechanical machines for destruction, and now it's all going to get a bit wet in The Splintered Sea expansion. 

Announced for release on May 24th, In The Splintered Sea, players battle through a 10-level oceanic campaign, introducing new block types to bring more chaos to the high seas. Using elements of hydrodynamics, this expansion challenges players to explore new builds capable of above-water combat and undersea exploration. The developers said it was a huge technical challenge for them, one that's been multiple years in the making.

It also brings with it a new sandbox environment, allowing you to sail through a vast archipelago, while you explore ancient ruins, and put your engineering to the test on water courses. Using The Splintered Sea’s eight new aquatic blocks, you can spread your destruction across land and sea!

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DLC Features:

  • Oceanic Campaign Challenges: Dive into ten new water-themed campaign levels, pitting your creations against your enemy’s formidable fleet and treacherous sea creatures.
  • Building Aquatic Machines: Harness the power of 8 new blocks specially designed for maritime madness, including floats for buoyancy, a rudder for improved steering, a harpoon launcher for engaging enemies, and more.
  • Immersive Water Simulation: Play with hydrodynamics, including shape-dependent drag, density-based buoyancy, and higher-speed impacts, offering a realistic and engaging aquatic building experience.
  • Brand New Sandbox: Explore a rugged archipelago, challenge mighty galleons, terrorize local fishermen, and navigate treacherous waters in a sandbox built specifically for The Splintered Sea.
  • Multiplayer Madness: Engage in multiplayer combat with friends, create custom levels with the in-game editor, and unleash chaos in Besiege's water-filled arenas.

Besiege has Native Linux support and it's rated Steam Deck Playable by Valve. You can buy Besiege from:


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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Salvatos Apr 10
Not the type of game I would play, but I sure loved watching the crazy stuff people came up with on YouTube. This ought to inspire more craziness
I remember buying Besiege back when it was in Early Access, back in like 2015. As a child of the 90s, I remember when you got a game on a CD or two, and maybe it got an expansion the next year (or two if you were super-duper lucky), and that was it. None of this surprise-new-expansion-multiple-years-later stuff*. I love this new world we're living in.

*As seen with Noita today as well.
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