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Atari acquires Intellivision brand and over 200 games

By - | Views: 32,990

Since you all love reading about games industry consolidation, here's more for you! Atari have acquired a whole lot from Intellivision.

Atari have been making quite a few moves lately. They revived the Infogrames brand and acquired Totally Reliable Delivery Service, they also bought up Awesomenauts, Swords & Soldiers and Digital Eclipse, and even Nightdive Studios are now owned by Atari.

Clearly they're trying to make one heck of a comeback.

Now they also own the Intellivision brand, so Intellivision Entertainment LLC will now be rebranding to continue on with their AMICO console. The press release noted this deal includes giving Atari "the rights to more than 200 titles from the Intellivision portfolio and the Intellivision trademarks".

So now with that Atari plan to expand both digital and physical distribution of classic Intellivision games, and of course look to use their newly acquired IP for potential future games and licensing.

“This was a very rare opportunity to unite former competitors and bring together fans of Atari, Intellivision and the golden age of gaming,” said Wade Rosen, Chairman and CEO of Atari.

“Uniting Atari and Intellivision after 45 years ends the longest-running console war in history,” said Mike Mika, Studio Head at Digital Eclipse, an Atari-owned game studio.

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Tags: Atari, Misc
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Pengling May 23
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I think they kind of had to do this after the Amico scandal basically tanked and tainted the brand (excellent video on that here, and the most recent update here - I highly recommend checking out both)... Promoting loads of games they didn't have and couldn't possibly get was a terrible idea, and that's just for starters!
pilk May 23
Is that Amico thing still happening? I just assumed it was silently canned, or it was never going to come out and was just one of Tommy Tallarico's famous lies.
I know the people who pre-ordered the games have them, without the system to play it on.

Last edited by pilk on 23 May 2024 at 4:29 pm UTC
Linux_Rocks May 23
I like this one actually. A lot more than them buying AtariAge at the very least. lol
based May 23
Knowing their history, this made me lmao, buying Coleco next?
dpanter May 23
But, how? Where are they getting the money from? Who keeps pumping money into this walking corpse?
axredneck May 23
Quoting: basedKnowing their history, this made me lmao, buying Coleco next?
And then Nintendo?
Pengling May 23
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Quoting: pilkIs that Amico thing still happening? I just assumed it was silently canned, or it was never going to come out and was just one of Tommy Tallarico's famous lies.
I know the people who pre-ordered the games have them, without the system to play it on.
They've released it as a mobile telephone app where you can link other mobile telephones to your mobile telephone to use as controllers, presumably so they can say that they delivered something.
slaapliedje May 23
Quoting: basedKnowing their history, this made me lmao, buying Coleco next?
I sure hope so. My Adam needs some new games. :P

More seriously though, this is awesome, since that will hopefully translate into the Intellivision games being released on teh Atari VCS 800, like they've been churning out 2600/7800 releases for it. Can I do that via emulation? Sure... but it's just so nice and convenient to just fire up the VCS and play some games for a bit. Played some Montezuma's revenge the other day. Yup, verified I still suck at it.

Atari is also the only one, other than Valve, that has full on embraced Linux as a gaming OS.
slaapliedje May 23
If we were truly in bizarro world, the next headline we'll see is 'Atari has purchased Hyperion'.
Linux_Rocks May 23
Quoting: dpanterBut, how? Where are they getting the money from? Who keeps pumping money into this walking corpse?
Maybe they just make enough money from game sales and the like? I buy those Recharged games on the Switch, and I've bought some of their other stuff too. Along with one of those Bluetooth Atari 2600 style controllers. If I didn't already just use my Xbox Series controllers as my PC controllers, then I'd probably have bought their regular VCS controller for my PC.

They might be weird with their decisions at times, and also just seem like they throw everything at the wall to see what sticks. But I actually like a good lot of what they put out game-wise.

Quoting: basedKnowing their history, this made me lmao, buying Coleco next?
That could actually be a good thing to get some of the old Coleco games out in some form again. I wouldn't be against them buying those rights either.

If Intellivision and Colecovision games started popping up on that VCS, it'd be good for folks who bought one.
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