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APICO is a chilled beekeeping sim from TNgineers that just got a little bit more industrious, with the free APICO 4.0 update giving you some fun new tools. Update 4.0: A Hive of Industry, is the final update for the game and they're going out with a bang on this one with an automation system, seasonal events, new crafting materials and even pets.

The developers supports bee, beekeeping, pollinator and conservation-based charities with a portion of proceeds from each sale too. Gotta save the bees right? Where would we bee without them. Anyway, check out the update trailer:

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Some of what's new includes:

  • Automation Machines: Craft the Auto-sawmill, Auto-centrifuge, and Auto-squeezer, along with eight new automation machines — Hoppers, Shredders, Loggers, Pickers, Sprinklers, Condensers, Ploppers, and Shippers — on your new Crystal Workbench, which can be purchased from Bobbee, to bring your thriving industry to new heights.
  • New Resource — Honeycore Crystals: Use the newly-added resonance meter and engage in its new mini-game to seek out different sounds throughout the various environments that will help you locate six different types of crystals. Melt them down in the forge and craft new crystal items, including Crystal chests, the Crystal axe, hammer, shovel, and more.
  • Pets: Choose from 16 different adorable little companions to accompany you on your expeditions, including your very own tiny dinosaur!
  • New Seasonal Events: Celebrate Hivemas, active during the month of December, and Hallowbeen, active during the month of October, in the world of APICO with the NPCs! Each event brings new decor, new paints, and secret easter egg items for you to enjoy. There’s no need to bee patient waiting for each event, as you’ll be able to toggle each event in the settings menu!
  • …and so much more: TNgineers have added ten new quests, new decor, paints, new environmental events, and of course, new bees and pollinators! There’s also a new 100% completion surprise that the most dedicated beekeepers can uncover through the Hive Mother’s door.

Available with Native Linux support and it's Steam Deck Verified.

Buy from: Humble Store,, Steam

Article taken from
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All those automation machines . . . it never occurred to me that a beekeeping sim would be so industrial.
WorMzy May 22
Is it really that un-bee-leavable?

...I'll get my coat.

I've not played in a while, but once you got to a certain point you did have to rein back exploration to tend to your existing hives (or choose to leave a good number of them dormant). Automation might help with that.

Last edited by WorMzy on 22 May 2024 at 8:01 am UTC
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