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Kickstarter will now allow late-pledges for finished campaigns

By - | Views: 22,319

Kickstarter, the popular platform for crowdfunding all sorts of things including video games and board games, is expanding with some new tools.

Announced May 21st in an official blog post, one major addition that many have been asking for is a direct way to support a Kickstarter campaign after it has already finished. Creators have already been doing this via external means like the popular BackerKit for quite a long time now.

Kickstarter have been testing this Late Pledge system with a select few since April, noting how creators have used these third-party services to collect more funding. Clearly, Kickstarter want more people to stay within their own system, and this feature just makes sense for them to add and so now it's available to all creators globally.

They've also formed a "Kickstarter Performance team", dedicated to help with marketing to promote campaigns. Kickstarter say this team "provides support every step of the way, from creative services and pre-launch marketing support to ad measurement and execution" and a select group have already been using it which they say has helped creators "raise nearly $1 million in pledges".

On top of that they're improving their survey system, which again creators often ended up doing outside of Kickstarter to collect info for special pledges. Kickstarter say their revamped tool will allow creators to gather your address, item preferences (like size, edition, colour etc), deal with add-ons and so on. Once again, it makes sense for Kickstarter to have all this themselves.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Ehvis May 22
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I'm surprised it took this long. So many project allowed paypal backing after the kickstarter campain with kickstarter not seeing a cent of it.
scaine May 22
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I haven't watched the video, but I really hope this is only enabled for already-successful campaigns. I think there needs to be a cut-off for success or failure of a campaign and late-pledges suddenly reviving a dead campaign could cause chaos.
Liam Dawe May 22
Quoting: scaineI haven't watched the video, but I really hope this is only enabled for already-successful campaigns. I think there needs to be a cut-off for success or failure of a campaign and late-pledges suddenly reviving a dead campaign could cause chaos.
Yeah, it's for successful campaigns.
Phlebiac May 23
From a user perspective, I can't say I have complaints about BackerKit, but - it sure took them long enough! "Slacker backer" has been a thing forever...
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