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Planetiles is a beautiful blend of Tetris and Dorfromantik

By - | Views: 23,665

Planetiles is an absolute puzzle gem from developer MythicOwl (Hexologic, Harmony's Odyssey) that gives you a wonderful blending of gameplay ideas from Tetris and Dorfromantik but on a mini-planetary scale. Note: key provided by Big Games Machine.

Released on April 3rd, it has Native Linux support and works great on Steam Deck too.

Here you go through various planets that form the levels, building them up using tiles. These tiles can be a mixture of forests, mountains, fields, sand and more. You only have a limited space to place down these tiles and they come in different shapes. It's your job to fit as many together as you can, to build up a higher score. It's a really relaxing game but challenging at the same time.

There's a mission-based mode where you have to hit certain conditions like total score, amount of free spaces left or a mixture of them. There's also a sandbox mode where you can just keep going doing what you want to build up a score and even a special endless planet to go on forever. 

Even when you think you're doing well, the game has a fun little events system that sprinkles in some nuisances to keep you on your toes. You might end up with erupting volcanoes, devastating cataclysms, or swirling space storms for an additional layer of challenge to city planning. Thankfully, there's various technologies you can unlock in the form of perks to deal with these and other challenges you come up against.

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As relaxing as it is in the gameplay, it can be a little frustrating too when you're just not getting things place how you want them. True to the Tetris styling, some moves can really mess you up. Be sure to leave the right sized gaps, and build somewhere else on the planet before leaving a gap that's too small to fill in.


  • Lose yourself in the peaceful atmosphere of planet-building in deep space.
  • Plan carefully and strategically place tiles to maximize bonuses and hit high scores.
  • Create vibrant biomes of lush forests and looming mountain ranges; all presented through a colourful visual style!
  • Overcome natural disasters and withstand the forces of nature (and space).
  • Roguelite progression ensures there’s always a planet ready to be revamped.

It's going to get bigger too, as they just recently announced an exciting sounding roadmap to expand the game that includes a whole new game mode, 2 new missions and plenty more to come. It's already a great game and it seems it's only going to get better.

Planetiles is absolutely lovely and well worth a purchase.

You can buy Planetiles on Steam.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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