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Ahead of the release of May 9th, SFB Games have managed to get their upcoming survival horror game Crow Country that's a love-letter to classic PlayStation horror games Steam Deck Verified. It looks really good, if you're itching for the atmosphere from the classics like the original Resident Evil.

In an announcement on Steam, developer Tom Vian mentioned "Both Adam and I have done a lot of playtesting of the game on our Steam Decks, and we think it feels great. Turns out, Valve agrees with us!".

What is it: A survival horror game, where you’ll test yourself against puzzles and riddles as you investigate the eerie tranquility of the abandoned theme park. Don’t be deceived by the whimsical surroundings, something is awfully wrong in Crow Country.

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More about it:

  • Explore the Park - As you unlock new areas, backtrack and discover more, you gradually piece together why Edward really shut down his park and where he mysteriously disappeared to. You’ve heard some pretty disturbing rumors, but they couldn’t possibly be true…..right?
  • See the Sights - For visitors to the park who are more interested in spotting crows and taking in the sights, Exploration Mode allows you to journey on without the fear of being attacked by the mysterious monsters roaming Crow Country. If you knew what those monsters really are…..
  • Solve the Mystery - Just how far would someone go to follow their ambition? Are some sins too wicked for redemption?
  • Find Answers - A tale of reckless hubris and human greed, and now at the center of it all... you.

Check it out on the Steam page.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Thanks Liam, wishlisted! Loving the vibes of this with its FF7-era low poly, fuzzy/blurry backdrop, 16bit SFX thing.
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