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Racing game BlazeRush ending support for Linux, macOS and SteamVR

By - | Views: 32,588

Targem Games just announced their racing game BlazeRush is getting a big upgrade for the tenth anniversary but they're going to sunset their Linux, macOS and SteamVR support.

In an announcement on Steam they didn't go into detail on the exact reasons other than some vague note about issues. Here's what they said:

Hello, intergalactic racers!

Due to technical difficulties, support for the game on Linux and Mac systems will be discontinued and the SteamVR version will also become unavailable.

Unfortunately, downloading and running BlazeRush on Linux, Mac and SteamVR will soon be impossible.

This will not affect players who use Windows systems. In addition, we are happy to announce that a major update for the Windows version will soon be released to celebrate the tenth anniversary of BlazeRush! Stay tuned!

Currently, the game has a Native Linux version and it is Steam Deck Verified. Valve's verification for Steam Deck was done on the Native Linux version too, so Valve will end up being forced to re-test this one on Proton if it's to keep the Verified sticker.

What the developer said above is technically incorrect though. Even if they entirely removed the Linux version, all you'll need to do is use Proton, so it won't be as "impossible" as they say. If they do plan to just entirely remove them, that's a whole 'nother problem though which just shouldn't be a thing. Delisting so they're not advertised and updated? Fine, but completely removing is incredibly anti-consumer.

Still a shame to see this happen at all though, as I've played it a good few times over the years in local multiplayer and it's an absolute riot. It's a really fun game. So I'm thankful Proton from Valve exists yet again.

The game is available to buy from: Fanatical | Humble Store | Steam

I did a video of this one a whole 5 years ago:

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Update 24/05/24 - The developer has released another Steam news post to clarify the situation a little. Here's what they said:

In the last news we indicated that the version for Mac and Linux systems will become completely unavailable. This message was incomplete and contained an error!

We would like to correct ourselves and make things clear: the version for Linux and Mac OS will not receive the upcoming update. However, users of these operating systems will be able to continue to download and play the current version of BlazeRush.

We apologize for our mistake and wish you the wildest interplanetary races!  

At least on Linux / Steam Deck, you will be able to just run the updated Windows version with Proton. But still, Valve will need to re-verify it for Steam Deck now too, which the developer did not mention.

Article taken from
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pb May 22
I just hope they don't add any new achievements, because I'm done with this one. It was fun, though. ;-) Very good for local multiplayer sessions.

Last edited by pb on 22 May 2024 at 2:14 pm UTC
slaapliedje May 22
Did they get bought by Microsoft or something? That makes little sense to update the game to just remove 'features'. Like especially the SteamVR one is head scratching.
Termy May 22
Bullshit like that should qualify linux (or mac in this case) users for a refund, no matter the playtime.
I mean if they at least would go for proton support, i could live with it - but the nerves they got to post a message like this is ridiculous.
Cyril May 22
QuoteDue to technical difficulties, support for the game on Linux and Mac systems will be discontinued and the SteamVR version will also become unavailable.

Same ol' shit...
They kind of sound almost like they haven't even heard of Proton. And I mean, with ignorance levels like that it's maybe not a big surprise if they're not capable of maintaining ports.
Hannes May 22
If the game really receives a "big update", then I wish they'd go all the way and publish a new BlazeRush 2. Take my money! macOS and VR players can keep playing the old version, Linux players will probably be saved by Proton, happy end.
dpanter May 22
From Death Rally vibes to death whimpers.
ShabbyX May 22
Why won't they put the old build in a branch so people on other platforms could still download it?

I mean fine, they updated it to be more modern, and they are too incompetent to do it cross-platform. They don't have to kill off the old builds.
jams3223 May 22
I am blacklisting this studio, and I'll never buy a game from them.

Last edited by jams3223 on 22 May 2024 at 9:55 pm UTC
slaapliedje May 22
Quoting: Purple Library GuyThey kind of sound almost like they haven't even heard of Proton. And I mean, with ignorance levels like that it's maybe not a big surprise if they're not capable of maintaining ports.
Ha, something tells me it is likely more like 'updated version paid for by Microsoft to have a port for xbox, and let's make it exclusive to Windows too.'
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