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What if you took a bit of Stardew Valley but you're a Vampire rudely awoken from a deep 500 year nap and now you have to deal with capitalism? That's your problem in Brocula. Out now with Native Linux support, it looks like a game you'll want to sink your teeth in deep.

So not only do you have to deal with part-time jobs for money, you also need to repair and build up your ancestral castle that's been left to ruins. You get a farming loop as you tend to crops and a little fishing, then you also need to manage your own little cult too (you are a Vampire after all). 

Get an extended look at some gameplay below:

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Available to buy on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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scaine May 9
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Quoteit looks like a game you'll want to sink your teeth in deep
Never change, Liam. Never change.
Nezchan May 9
It looks interesting, but the sound effects seem awfully harsh to my ears. I can't help but feel like the running sound and NPC "voices" would annoy me greatly after a while.

Maybe not even that long a while.
Quoting: NezchanIt looks interesting, but the sound effects seem awfully harsh to my ears. I can't help but feel like the running sound and NPC "voices" would annoy me greatly after a while.

Maybe not even that long a while.
Don't most games have volume options on that kind of stuff?
Nezchan May 9
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: NezchanIt looks interesting, but the sound effects seem awfully harsh to my ears. I can't help but feel like the running sound and NPC "voices" would annoy me greatly after a while.

Maybe not even that long a while.
Don't most games have volume options on that kind of stuff?

It's not the volume, it's the repetition of the same, harsh sounds. I don't think playing the game with sound turned off is a good solution for that.
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