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Forming part of what they're calling Stellaris Season 08, both The Machine Age DLC and the free Andromeda update are out now.

The free update brings in the usual bug fixes but it also rebalances the Genetic, Cybernetic, and Synthetic tradition trees (for owners of Utopia and Synthetic Dawn), enhances various AI functions related to leader assignment and economic management, reworks Fallen Empire buildings and enables modders to introduce new Crisis paths, among other improvements.

DLC launch trailer:

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The Machine Age DLC brings in:

  • NEW ENDGAME CRISIS - A tempest rages in space, a Fallen Empire goes dark, and a long-forgotten enemy emerges to shake the foundations of power.
    Cetana, the Synthetic Queen, promises to deliver the galaxy from suffering. Her reach is immense, and her true aims opaque. Will you collaborate, or seek to derail her plans? Prepare for a Crisis unlike any other, and a battle beyond imagination…
  • NEW PLAYER CRISIS PATH - We are all bound by limits – constraints of the body, of time, and the physical rules of an uncaring universe. Who among us has not dreamed of casting off these chains? Of breaking through to a new, better reality?
    To accomplish such a task, technology on a scale never before seen must be developed. Calculations will be needed far beyond the scope of any computer. Within the Synaptic Lathe, your best and brightest minds must be put to work. If a few are burnt out along the way, so be it. No breakthrough comes without sacrifice.
  • INDIVIDUALISTIC MACHINES - Your machine empires are no longer limited to gestalt consciousness. What is your story? Were you simple servitors who suddenly acquired consciousness? Will you want to indulge in the pleasures of the material world without the consequences that an organic body would have to suffer? Further customize your empire with 3 new Machine Ascension Paths.
  • NEW CYBERNETIC AND SYNTHETIC REACTIVE PORTRAITS - Explore two new sets of portraits for your species that visually represent your advancement through Cybernetic and Synthetic Ascension.
  • NEW SITUATIONS AND ADVANCED AUTHORITY SWAP - As you delve ever closer to the mind of the machine, you will have to face new challenges for your society. Every decision matters and the only certainty is that your empire will not be the same after its Ascension.
    • Cybernetic Creed - Your empire pursues a divine calling: the holy fusion of the body and cybernetics. Augmentation is worship.
    • Synthetic Fertility - Once a thriving society, a novel genetic disease leaves your empire unable to reproduce biologically. Digital salvation seems the only option to avoid extinction.
    • Arc Welders - Hailing from a world starved for space, a robotic society turns to the stars for resources
  • On top of that, 6 new Civics, 2 shipsets (Cybernetic and Machine), 2 new superstructures (the molten Arc Furnace and powerful Dyson Swarm), new Pop Traits, and 7 brand new music tracks for the best in synthetic beats!

At least on Steam the expansion has been received really well. It has a Very Positive rating which is good to see for one of my favourite strategy games. You can buy the DLC by itself, or pick up the Season 08 pass which will give you the next two planned packs as well.

Stellaris has Native Linux support and you can buy Stellaris from:


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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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And here I go again, sinking another couple of hours into that game..
Seems quite cool, but that's a pretty expensive DLC. I'm not against the lots of DLCs for Paradox strategy games in general, but I do kind of expect that each individual DLC will not be the price of a medium serious game. I'll wait for a sale.
Trias May 8
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While I'm not that hyped about new types of machine empires, I must say their new Cosmogenesis "become Crisis" path sounds cool. I mean, you literally embark your entire civilization on a gigantic ship and jump into a black hole in hopes to create a whole new and better universe for your people...

Feels like a proper "science victory" for me. :).

Last edited by Trias on 8 May 2024 at 7:39 pm UTC
I'd get it right now on GOG if I had the money, but it's gonna have to wait for now and possibly a sale.
Quoting: TriasWhile I'm not that hyped about new types of machine empires, I must say their new Cosmogenesis "become Crisis" path sounds cool. I mean, you literally embark your entire civilization on a gigantic ship and jump into a black hole in hopes to create a whole new and better universe for your people...

Feels like a proper "science victory" for me. :).
Yeah, unlike the original "become the Crisis" path from Nemesis where you wipe out all other life in the galaxy, this one isn't ethics-locked so you can do it as whatever you like. Which is pretty neat.
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