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Tearing problems (vsync not working)
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Tuxus Mar 22, 2015
Hi there!

I've been testing my new GPU in some games like Portal 2, Minecraft, Dust, etc.
But all of them have annoying tearing!

I have enabled Vsync in nvidia-settings and also in the games, but as soon as when I move the camera... my eyes suffer.

It's normal?

- Additional Information -

· OS: Mageia 4 (KDE)
· GPU: nVidia GTX 970 (latest proprietary drivers)
· Screen: TFT (1280x1024@75) and TV (1920x1080@60)
Xpander Mar 22, 2015
turn off your KDE compositor, or use openbox instead of kwin
and then install compton and run it with: compton --backend glx --vsync opengl-swc

enable flipping from nvidia-settings as well

and enjoy tearfree gaming
wolfyrion Mar 22, 2015
there is an easy way to do this :)
just edit /etc/profile
(you need root access)

add the following line on top

export __GL_YIELD="USLEEP"

(this works on Arch) - hope is the same with Mageia
Tuxus Mar 24, 2015
Thanks for your answers.

Turning off KDE compositor made things better but the tearing hasn't disappeared. By the way, ¿is it possible to turn it off from the command line?

I tried your suggestion, but nothing seems to change.

Simply by moving a windows across the screen, the tearing is clearly noticeable.
Xpander Mar 24, 2015
@Tuxus did you use compton with the command i gave you?
that should fix tearing completely ...at least it does for me.

edit: for tearfree movies in your TV, use the nvidia-settings > Xserver Xvideo settings and select your sync to this display device.

then use vlc or smplayer as those seem to accept those settings.
Tuxus Mar 25, 2015
I haven't installed compton yet (it's not in the repositories). As soon as I compile the source code I'll give it a try.

- EDIT -

I run it with "compton --backend glx --vsync opengl-swc" from the terminal, but it returns the following error:
glx_render(): Missing texture.

Anyway the screen flashes, so I suppose that it's running. But when I move a window, the tearing is still noticeable.
What I'm doing wrong?

P.S: Thanks for all your help.
Xpander Mar 25, 2015
but do games still tear with that enabled? if not then its actrvated ... have to figure out whats wrong on the desktop then.. probably some setting in KDE that doesnt like compton or similar.
Xpander Mar 29, 2015
cheers for that. thatone is even better than compton trick... no perfromance hit at all it seems and makes wonders

feels like a gsync monitor now :D

the command i use:

nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="DVI-I-1: nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }, HDMI-0: nvidia-auto-select +3840+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }, DVI-D-0: nvidia-auto-select +1920+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }"
Tuxus Mar 30, 2015
Another happy tear-free user here.
Enabling "{ ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }" works even with default KDE compositor active!
Thanks Solar.

Also thanks to Xpander for all his support. ; - )
loggfreak May 21, 2015
why would anyone use Compton with KDE? you can just go to KDE settings and set it's vsync settings to always enable instead of automatic
wolfyrion May 30, 2015
For Manjaro you just have to edit


Go to

Section "Device"

and add

Option "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"
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