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fredrikfritte May 7, 2014
Hi, new registered user.
Like the site and reviews, atm i have retired my Linuxlaptop for Windows =\
Took to much time hehe, but i have some other desktops that might get some simple setup and try games on.

33years old from Sweden, atm home with depression and anxiety so alot of spare time
Gentleman Squid May 30, 2014
Hi there,

Fabian from Gentleman Squid Studio. We're an indie game studio and we are located in Orlando, FL.

I consider myself a HUGE gaming fan of all sorts and platforms (PC and all consoles). I also don't know what else to write heh. :)
Daifuku May 30, 2014
Hello guys I want to re-introduce myself. I found gol around september last year, but in December something happened, I used to be an Eve Online player, but I left years ago, In December I wanted to try the game again... and I was hooked again. Eve online is a very very special game I wish they had a native linux client.

Anyway Eve has caused problem with my long term relationship and now I am busier at workso I guess I will have to either play it very casually or just stop playing it. I am happy to see that the linux platform keeps getting stronger and stronger.

I need advise to make a linux gaming machine but we can start a new thread for that. Nice to see you back.!!!
NothingMuchHereToSay Jun 14, 2014
Hi people. Holy crap this place has a forums section, BRING ON THE LINUX GAMEZ PEEPS

Ubuntu represent and stuff, mostly uh.. all nighters and cats and Ubuntu, Linux, Steam, gaming, I need a job dammit.
oldrocker99 Jun 15, 2014
Can't believe I haven't posted here, so here goes:

65 years old, computing since 1983 (VIC-20, then C=64, then one on the first Amigas in my area, and one of the last still-using-Amiga in my area also, then Win95, 98, Me, XP, at which point I threw my hands up and installed Ubuntu 8.04. When I bought a new desktop, dual-booted Win7 and Ubuntu (or one of its derivatives). Just deleted my Windows installation, don't need it any more. Gamer all my life.

Discovered that there weren't a huge amount of games for Linux in 2008 (but rediscovered Neverwinter Nights!), then the first Humble Bundle, in 2009 started a groundswell that eventually resulted in Steam for Linux. Have some 200 or so Steam Linux games, another 100 or so on Desura (when the client doesn't crash). Have Kickstarted several games that promised Linux versions (Akaniero:Demon Hunters, War For The Underworld, Planetary Annihilation, which have playable betas now, and Pillars of Eternity, Torment and Wasteland 2, which are coming out some time this year).

Rediscovered the excellence of Paradox' games, and bought Crusader Kings 2 and Europa Universalis the day they came out. Lately, CIV V is getting most of my attention.

I'm the same oldrocker99 on Ubuntu Forums and on Steam.
richmondster Jun 18, 2014
Hello guys, i cant think a better introduction. my name is richmond and currently working under some sci-fi warfare RTS project, just saying hello to anyone who wants all kinds of war games. i think i learned on some of you. so thank you everyone!
Guest Jul 12, 2014
Speedster Jul 12, 2014
Quoting: JoannixMy only problem now is the lack of funds!

In that case, did you notice this game Liam just posted

Space opera story + turn-based combat, and totally free (both libre and no cost). I've dowloaded it and am excited to give it a try, but really should be working now :P
Guest Jul 12, 2014
Quoting: Speedster
Quoting: JoannixMy only problem now is the lack of funds!
In that case, did you notice this game Liam just posted

Space opera story + turn-based combat, and totally free (both libre and no cost). I've dowloaded it and am excited to give it a try, but really should be working now :P

I meant more that I spent £50 in the steam sale on Linux only games and there are still so many being released :) But I will take a look at that game you posted.


Speedster Jul 12, 2014
Quoting: JoannixI meant more that I spent £50 in the steam sale on Linux only games and there are still so many being released :)

Yeah it is kinda weird to have them coming so quickly... on the bright side, I've got about a dozen games on my wishlist, for once I'm ready in case any family members want to know what I want for birthday & Christmas ;)
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