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Cyberpunk 2077 in Wine
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Shmerl Jun 7, 2022
Quoting: Koopacabrasbut the ending was a bit dissapointing ... I tried both endings of signing the contract to get another body and refusing and getting back to earth. But I don't know how to unlock the ending where you side with Johny Silverhand and allow him to posses your body. All the other endings I think I will have to go wwaaay more back and load saves from a lot earlier, it should take lots of hours right?

All endings are kind of sad, but in the one with Johnny, V's friends don't die at least. But I think Hanako is killed by Yorinobu in case you don't save her from that mansion, so neither ending is really "good".

To get that ending with storming the tower solo (with Johnny), you need some specific choices in the dialogue with Johnny in the old fields. You can search how to activate it using a command console though in case you didn't make those choices before.

Last edited by Shmerl on 7 June 2022 at 1:59 am UTC
jens Jun 10, 2022
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Quoting: Shmerl
Quoting: SchnabulatorI dont get raytracing with lutris/gog version of cp2077 (v1.52) activated.
Is a newer version of mesa needed?

You need Mesa main, vkd3d-proton master and setting these environment variables:

export RADV_PERFTEST='rt'
export VKD3D_CONFIG='dxr11'

And even then it's not really "working", but rather not crashing the game already.

Vkd3d-proton master lets you enable the RTX settings, but it is only fully functional with this branch/PR:
Unfortunately it is limited to NVIDIA only from my understanding. RADV still misses some features. That said, on NVIDIA is does look really good, albeit it also tanks a lot of fps. Of course the differences are subtle between RTX on and off, but once I knew where to look for (obviously shadows and reflections :)), I really don't want to miss it, it is certainly next generation graphics for me.
Shmerl Jun 10, 2022
That PR still is a draft, so not really finished and I assume it can take a while.

I agree, at this generation of GPUs this is more of a curiosity, not a very useful feature for that framerate reduction.

Last edited by Shmerl on 10 June 2022 at 7:00 pm UTC
jens Jun 10, 2022
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Yeah, of course this draft PR is not meant for replacing a stable version or master. But it does specifically address all the RTX features in CP2077 and it works perfectly for that game, which this topic is about. VKD3D-Proton master lets you enable the setting without crashing but the RTX implementation/translation on master is not complete.

Well, it’s personally of course, but don’t get me wrong, for me it is more than just a curiosity. I’ll take the fps sacrifice and keep RTX on.

Last edited by jens on 10 June 2022 at 7:39 pm UTC
Shmerl Jun 10, 2022
For me if it's relatively small reduction - then yes. But if it like more than halves the performance, I'd say it's not ready yet for regular use :)

It reminds me how Ubersampling in the Witcher 2 reduces performance in half. With current generation of GPUs it makes it usable. But back then when the game came out, it was just something to play around with, not to use :)

Last edited by Shmerl on 10 June 2022 at 7:39 pm UTC
jens Jun 10, 2022
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I don't have the exact numbers at hand, but its more like going from 75 to 50fps on my system, so approximately one third in my case. But yeah, for becoming really usable/mainstream, it needs a newer generation GPU than the current ones, or may be even the generation after that.
I do think though that RTX will stay.

Last edited by jens on 10 June 2022 at 7:48 pm UTC
Shmerl Jun 10, 2022
May be more general ray tracing, not necessarily RTX (i.e. the way it's implemented in Nvidia hardware now). Real time ray tracing was always a moot idea due to how taxing it is. But as GPUs get more and more powerful, some elements of it are becoming more viable.
Shmerl Jun 15, 2022
CP2077 support was added to radv ray tracing implementation plan as a target milestone :)
Shmerl Jun 28, 2022
Tried Wine-wayland with CP2077. For now it just produces a black screen.
jens Jul 11, 2022
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Quoting: ShmerlThat PR still is a draft, so not really finished and I assume it can take a while.

All RTX pull requests for VKD3D-Proton are now merged into master.

Last edited by jens on 11 July 2022 at 3:31 pm UTC
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