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Greedy Car Thieves a free clone of the original Grand Theft Auto Games now has a Linux version available.
QuoteA fresh new sandbox game is now upon you! Follow the stories of a c...
One More Go Games has been working on a free to download 3D tower defense game. It is still in development but there is a demo available for you to download and try it out. The graphics are in full 3d and look quite slick check out the video below to see ...
Intermediaware has released Temple of Tangram (beta). TOT looks to be a polished puzzler and featuring a soothing oriental ambient style musical accompaniment.
TOT is free to download and is ...
Okay boys and girls the time has come that i would like another editor to join the team of Me and Rustybolts to publish news and random gaming articles on the website.
So that i can focus a bit more on website improvements rather than scannin...
Heres a free game in a similar vein to Geometry Wars that I have seen reported on DIY Gamer called Neon Lights released by a clever chap called Niall Moody. The twist being you shoot with your exhaust plume, check out the...
Happy lazy sunday everyone, a bit of fun news for everyone today.
A project called Construct (click the name for the link) has recently released a pre-alpha of version 2 of their o...
My Game Company has posted their newsletter for February 2011 and in it has written about their progress of their platform game Dirk Dashing 2.
QuoteDirk Dashing 2 P...
Céidot who are bringing us Cieron Wars have announced that it will be going open beta on February 15, 2011. They have also posted a launch trailer and some in game screenshots are ...
A new update is now available from Puppy Games for Revenge of the Titans, if you bought this game via the Humble Indie bundle it is also available to download from there.
Below is a list of changes
Warmux or Womux as i knew it is now out, apparently they have also changed their name.
QuoteWarMUX is out, at long last, in its first version, 11.01!
It's a massive change for us (a...
Lips of Suna has been in development for quite a while; it's an highly extensible RPG with destructible environments and an anime art-direction. Version 0.2 has brought in a lot of changes: Customizable character models, smaller terrain blocks that a...
OOTPB is now available to pre-order for $29.99 thats 25% off the release price, and you will be able to download the game 2 days before its official release aslong as you pre-order in January. The game wi...
Lexaloffle has announced Voxatron a Robotron style game, the graphics are made completely out of voxels (little blocks) and has a destructible environment.
No price quoted as yet but there is a video of the game in ...
Atom Zombie Smasher will be released by Blendo Games on January 24th.
Very little is said about the game but they have produced an interesting trailer that might explain it a little more, one things...