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Stealth game Shadwen updated, adds new tweaked levels and improved AI and it's on sale
11 August 2016 at 9:07 am UTC

Quoting: m2mg2I would really like them to fix the controller issues. Does this update fix the controller problems? Has anyone been able to play the game successfully with a Steam Controller (the controller problems are Linux only)?

Seems to be only on linux, yes.

Stealth game Shadwen updated, adds new tweaked levels and improved AI and it's on sale
10 August 2016 at 6:12 pm UTC

Interesting would be if the controller bug in Linux has finally been fixed.

How to fix bodies not showing in Shadow of Mordor with Nvidia drivers temp fix
10 August 2016 at 8:29 am UTC

Had this bug, it came either with an nvidia update or a SoM update.

The "fix" exists for quite some time now, the information for this came from Feral.

Hope they release a permanent fix some day though, for all those who buy it so they don't have to search the Forums.

Want to learn some Vulkan API? There's a Vulkan Tutorial website up now
8 August 2016 at 11:10 pm UTC

Quoting: ShabbyXShameless self-advertisement: I also have a couple Linux-oriented tutorials:

Two different things. You aim to get a quick start-through to Vulkan by step-by-step tutorials.

The site rather seems to take the approach "what you want to know, we'll tell you", so more/better structured basically.

IF people join in such a site could become great. If not, the site will die down anyway. Because really interesting would be the different things people learned on implementing certain things in Vulkan. Especially in multi thread handling / draw and rendering handling. That could be highly useful.

Project Cars official twitter confirms to me there are no plans for it on Linux now
8 August 2016 at 11:04 am UTC

Sad. I'm not a huge racing fan and would certainly prefer Dirt Rally, but Project Cars did look pretty promising.

Kalypso Media announces Sudden Strike 4 strategy game, with Linux support
5 August 2016 at 10:36 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweI don't see what people are getting up in arms about, those are the recommended specs. As in what would take to run it around max level.

There's far more games out there saying they need a lower card yet perform like crap on them, we are just used to games claiming they need low cards for a "recommended" spec.

They will probably change near release too, it's common for games to list weird specifications way before release. Even if they don't change, by the time the game comes out the 980 will be like three years old.

If I learned one thing, recommended ones are mostly the ones we need to play fluently in Linux, exceptions granted (Shadow of Mordor would be one, after the patches of course, but now it is).

I do not have a good upgradeable rig (X51 of Alienware, 320 power supply..). Options are limited, and my cash supply sadly is too.

I know you can test on your fancy things you either get or buy. Try most of the bigger titles with less hardware, and you'll be stunned what you see.

This may be due to OpenGL still being a huge implementation issue which you can burst with better hardware. Fact is, on lower specs, some titles are hardly playable.

You do most tests on 970, nice you got one. Some people do not ;-). I do have hard times getting performance on titles as Talos Principle in certain situations, or even Tomb Raider, Shadwen or XCOM 2. And with performance, I mean higher than 30 FPS so it won't hurt my eyes. I am still running an I7-2600, GTX760 with 8 GB RAM... most more demanding titles are almost unplayable without heavy tweaking.

And I'll just counter the argument which will come: I do have a Win10 installation on the same disk which I hold for lan partys and I tried the titles there - don't try to tease me, but performance IS better there. That's a fact. For me sad, but true, most ports to OpenGL do not have the quality of the Windows equivalent.

Kalypso Media announces Sudden Strike 4 strategy game, with Linux support
4 August 2016 at 5:36 pm UTC

OS: SteamOS, Ubuntu 15.10
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4590
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX 980
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 12 GB available space

Well, those settings are pretty challanging for my old rig. Especially the graphics card :D.

Total War: WARHAMMER is still coming to Linux, being ported by Feral Interactive
4 August 2016 at 1:20 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: edddeduckferal
Quoting: segulehThankfully i’m not fan of Total War nor WH series, cause i don’t believe Feral make this port good. Even as NVIDIA card user, I can accept (barely) 20% - 30% performance drop but not 50% as it is with Tomb Raider. And I prefer 5 good ports than 20 poor. No offence Feral, but thanx, not this time ;)

If you have an issue with a massive drop in performance I recommend you contact Feral support. It's most likely something on your setup or game settings that we can investigate.

Actually, there have been better Ports than Tomb Raider. I had issues as well, making it a "don't want to play" game (permanent short freezes etc.).

Compared to ports as Shadow of Mordor (good, had issues in the beginning too) which is now really just great.