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Latest Comments by ElectricPrism
Looks like Subnautica from the Natural Selection 2 developers won't get Linux support
24 August 2016 at 10:22 pm UTC Likes: 3

I'm not sold yet, if they can swing one way and back they may come to their senses.

Releasing on Linux isn't only about including ever piece of the pie or capturing a cult market for PR, SEO, or entering a market with little competition to dominate a genre, it's also about immortalizing your game.

How you gonna play a N64 cartridge on a Nintendo Wii or even a Windows 98 game on a Windows 10 computer? Linux though? If you want to immortalize your game so it runs forever Linux is a sensible thing to do.

Hindsight is 20/20 - if I knew Windows or Mac was going to burn down in advance I would GTFO instead of spend the night there. If I knew a massive earthquake was going to strike I would GTFO. My professional knowledge of the computing scene has red alerts and fire alarms going crazy since Windows 8, it's time to go folks if you value your freedom and privacy and rights and have any sort of self respect.

Valve turns 20 years old today, happy birthday! A brief look at their Linux history
24 August 2016 at 9:45 pm UTC

Quoting: Duck Hunt-Pr0
Quote"Linux is the future of gaming" - G. Newell

View video on

Quote"An open platform for innovation" - G. Newell

View video on

That was a great watch thanks! :)

It's been a amazing, exciting and turbulent takeoff these last few years in the Linux sector of gaming, but hot damn It's incredibly exciting - In the future I will be proud to tell others about my personal efforts to persuade developers and overturn misinformation and beat down trolls showing plainly why Linux is the future to onlookers on the fence.

We all deserve commendation for all of our efforts thus far, we're snowballing now and the avalanche is coming next, so buckle up we got a few more trolls to plow through and developers to entice and pull with us, we're booming and the Linux Industry in general is booming.


Arch users have a kernel available that will allow AMDGPU and the PRO driver on older cards
20 August 2016 at 7:11 pm UTC Likes: 3

Why is Arch the sensible linux distro for gaming? Well because we have pacman of course!!

A reason for poor performance on AMD plus Mesa has been found and a patch is in progress
19 August 2016 at 6:09 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: ShmerlGood. RX 480 seem to be always out of stock. By this rate, I'd probably wait for Vega cards already.

This is where i'm at with it, I had no idea the product would be so slammed with buyers since it seems like the bitcoin miners have passed to custom hardware.

You good sir do you happen to know what time frame Vega is coming?

I just had 2 system builds for Linux users this week and unfortunately Zen hasn't dropped yet so I had to select a Intel combo instead of AMD APU :\.

A reason for poor performance on AMD plus Mesa has been found and a patch is in progress
18 August 2016 at 9:55 pm UTC Likes: 7

All that I see going on in here is everyone getting their control boners on - don't you tell me I can't use X over Y.

Don't talk about X or Y - talk about Z.

My fellow Linux Peeps, we are a community who most of us likely has control issues, when Linus couldn't control the quality of the nVidia driver or force them into using a FOSS driver he gave them the finger.

I'm super super SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER excited about the performance improvements of this patch, I sincerely believe that in about a year the tables between NVidia and AMD will be more or less equal 50/50 40/60 with the major difference being AMD promoting a open driver and having less bugs.

I'm very excited preparing to switch to Red Camp, I'll be TTY switching like it's 1999, and kiss goodbye to GPU buffer corruption from NVidia.

Go TEAM MESA YOU KICK FSCKING ASS!!!! Stay legit, your performance work is critical to the success of red camp and FOSS.

Killing Floor 2 release date announced, Linux version to be post-launch
16 August 2016 at 9:03 pm UTC

I think companies underestimate their work-load [post-launch] and find themselves in a world of trouble when there are so many unexpected things to get done.

Minimalistic puzzler 'Hexoscope' not coming to Linux due to Adobe Air
12 August 2016 at 11:16 pm UTC

The game looks meh so I guess I don't really care.

I'm impressed they're using Adobe Air in 2016

Livestreaming on Linux? Here's an essential tip you need on getting follower alerts to show up
12 August 2016 at 9:36 pm UTC

I skimmed the video and couldn't figure out what it is still.

Q: Would this say popup a notification in Gnome when GOL Steaming goes live or sit in my Systray? or

B: Is it just to show a funding goal on the streamers or my screen?


Bleed 2, a very action-packed platformer is coming to Linux
11 August 2016 at 7:23 pm UTC Likes: 1

The mechanics looks like they might have that old school platform feel to them where you could time things precisely in action packed situations.

Looks great