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Latest Comments by ElectricPrism
CD PROJEKT RED replied to me about The Witcher 3 and Linux, flat-out denying to answer any questions
7 September 2016 at 9:04 pm UTC Likes: 8

I actually think it was nice of them to dignify Liam with even a basic communication after having no previous communication.

Liams email did a couple things

Quote1 ) It reintroduced SteamOS/Linux into their thoughts

2 ) It raised SteamOS & Linux' importance as user(s) reminded them "Hey? We're Important! Remember Us."

3 ) SteamOS & Linux has the high-ground because they know their past communications have their reputation committed to SteamOS even if they're having difficulty delivering.

4 ) They fear making SteamOS/Linux & gamers mad. (Just look at the clusterfsck storm going on in ARK, and remember the siht storm Planetary Annihilation caused).

5 ) They were forced to communicate that their marketing has nothing to announce at this time and they are concerned about miscommunicating information.

Even though it's not the answer we want "at this time" the important thing is it got the gears and cogs moving in their minds and I'm sure internally they want to fulfill good on their original vision and goals to launch on SteamOS.

Maybe they know how rowdy the Linux community can get and they don't want the hate.

Successive reminders with time may bear success - imagine the Linux Community messaging them on twitter ever 2 weeks or 1 month to remind them of their commitment.

At the end of the day:
The Squeeky Wheel Gets the Oil. So go out there and make a ruckus you Linux Folk.

Dungeons 2 and all the DLC is now available on GOG with Linux support
4 September 2016 at 9:38 pm UTC Likes: 2

I'm popping in to hijack this thread and say the AMD RX 480 is pretty fucking sweet. Arch has a repo where the latest GIT versions are built, CS:GO runs at 300 FPS, Bioshock Infinite 90-120 FPS @ 1080p + 120hz.

Wine Apps run better and are more stable.

HDMI state restores on TV/Monitor power on/off. TTY switching is smooth, switching between games and Gnome Shell activities is smooth. Game anti-aliasing looks a little choppy but I'm assuming that's being worked on as its in all games.

All in all I think now is a pretty decent time to switch to redcamp if you value the open driver over that % of performance juice (Although I expect AMDGPU to continue to improve.)

Server =$repo/$arch
SigLevel = Never

(Photoshop on WINE seems to always run better on open drivers I dunno why)

(I did have to tell GDM to use xorg instead of wayland in /etc/gdm/custom.conf to get HDMI-A-0 to display, I guess the prefered output is DisplayPort)

(I guess I should say something about this game here - hmm. It has a very StarCraft / WarCraft 2-3 feel to it - I love that it has at least a touch of that grit. Maybe it's me but even if I get a DRM free version I still prefer to own my games on Steam - I gladly exchange the headache of managing 300+ games with the convenience and autopilot of steam - here's the steam link if anyone wants it )

The Witcher 3 was apparently never planned for Linux
2 September 2016 at 7:07 pm UTC

Where I'm from bloody isn't a cuss word, if we could just drop the classist barrier intentionally created by the rich and poor to segregate people by their speech that would be great.

Hell, It's about fucking time.

(This story has a funky smell to it, either the replyer is braindead or just CYOA)

The Steam Hardware Survey for August 2016 shows Linux has grown again
2 September 2016 at 7:03 pm UTC Likes: 1

I converted another person this week to Linux, the expansion continues.

I also bought a RX 480, I'm doing tests on it right now to see if it can suit my gaming and work needs. Hopefully.

Unity 5.5 beta released for Linux, the first release from a unified codebase
1 September 2016 at 8:21 pm UTC

Editorial: I ditched SteamOS in favour of a normal Linux distribution for my gaming
29 August 2016 at 7:40 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: nepoThanks for sharing your experience! I've considered to test Steam OS, but I'm very unsure now - are there any benefits over a "normal" Linux install, say Linux Mint for example? What distribution do you prefer for a pure gaming system? What system deliver maximal performance? I'm not a Linux professional (so I fear Arch Linux ;)) - but also I'm not a total beginner (don't want to start a 'distro war' here of course, just hoping for a few tips for the next fresh install).

Arch Installs aren't so bad, I've done probably 30. Here's the Steam Arch Install Guide that I use. It's been heavily drafted - throw up a virtual machine, if you have questions or suggestions leave a comment.

Heart&Slash is another new release that's sadly broken on Linux
29 August 2016 at 7:31 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestWell, it’s Unity 3D… All the games that use the Unity engine from nov. 2015 or more recent crash here (or at best have no sound) unless I disable the Steam runtime. IIRC it’s related to Valve providing libpulse when they shouldn’t. But most non-Unity 3D games work fine with the Steam runtime. So it shows they don’t care much (both Valve and Unity) if games work or not on Linux.

That reminds me of Steam on BSD where they had no sound, maybe no correlation but my followup impulsive question is are you using BSD?

Speculation: It's looking like Rocket League may finally arrive on Linux in September
29 August 2016 at 4:09 am UTC

Boo... Boo...

Well since it came free with the controller I'll try it out but my expectations are dirt low and I bet it will be a shiznit port too with teribad quality - a big fsck you to the linux community.

On the off chance its not shiznit I'll be like eh ok. But man they really screwed up and are terrible at time management and persuing goals

Looks like Subnautica from the Natural Selection 2 developers won't get Linux support
24 August 2016 at 10:22 pm UTC Likes: 3

I'm not sold yet, if they can swing one way and back they may come to their senses.

Releasing on Linux isn't only about including ever piece of the pie or capturing a cult market for PR, SEO, or entering a market with little competition to dominate a genre, it's also about immortalizing your game.

How you gonna play a N64 cartridge on a Nintendo Wii or even a Windows 98 game on a Windows 10 computer? Linux though? If you want to immortalize your game so it runs forever Linux is a sensible thing to do.

Hindsight is 20/20 - if I knew Windows or Mac was going to burn down in advance I would GTFO instead of spend the night there. If I knew a massive earthquake was going to strike I would GTFO. My professional knowledge of the computing scene has red alerts and fire alarms going crazy since Windows 8, it's time to go folks if you value your freedom and privacy and rights and have any sort of self respect.