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Latest Comments by amatai
Total War: WARHAMMER III 2.0 out with Immortal Empires, Linux update 'as soon as possible'
24 August 2022 at 7:02 am UTC

Feral port was very good so I would wait for them to port the update. It is not as if I did not have others games in my steam library for the wait....

No more DLC for Oxygen Not Included, devs decide to do free updates instead
5 August 2022 at 9:04 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: MayeulC
Quoting: denyasis
Quoting: RFSharpeYou have to respect a development team that bases their design/marketing decisions on logic instead of profit.

Someone should email this to Paradox!!

I quite like the paradox approach, though I haven't played their games much. If I had, I'd know what DLCs I'd be interested in. They also frequently release huge free updates.

Curiously, I never got much into Klei's games, though I love the art style. Don't starve was maybe a bit too punishing to my taste.

Paradox problem is that with N DLC they need to maintain 2 to the power of N games for every combinaison of DLC possible.
For example Europe Universalis 4 as 14 DLC changing the gameplay that makes around 16 000 different gameplay combinations.

That could not work and that deosn't work. They try to go to subscription based DLC so there would be only the base game and the full DLC games and to makes the DLC independent with each other by making change only to a limited geographical area.

Linux user share on Steam continues rising — highest for years again
3 August 2022 at 9:47 am UTC

Quoting: amataiI am wondering which part of the increase is due to the steam deck. That require a bit of algebra but that would be interesting.
Ok, with some assumption and quick mental math steamdeck is responsible than a bit less of 10% of the increase of Linux share. As the proportion of steam deck is mostly stable inside Linux it participate to the grow according to its ratio.
Good news is that Linux is still over 1% and growing if you count steam deck separately even if Steam Deck outgrow Linux desktop growth.

Linux user share on Steam continues rising — highest for years again
3 August 2022 at 7:03 am UTC

I am wondering which part of the increase is due to the steam deck. That require a bit of algebra but that would be interesting.

Bomber Crew is free for keeps on Steam until June 2nd
26 May 2022 at 12:05 pm UTC Likes: 2

I wouldn't dare play it. Very uncomfortable by gamification of war crime.

Humble have a Stand with Ukraine Bundle with 100% going to charity
21 March 2022 at 5:48 pm UTC

Does anyone have a list of the games from the bundle that would work on Linux (Native or proton) ?

KDE Plasma continues improving to stop you breaking things
15 February 2022 at 8:13 am UTC

Quoting: areamanplaysgame
Quoting: no_information_here
Quoting: areamanplaysgame
Quoting: no_information_hereAs mentioned above, you cannot judge KDE if you installed it over top of a default Gnome setup. This is true the other way around, too.

If it can't perform in that kind of setup, then why is installing more than one DE an option? I have literally never once anywhere seen anyone discourage doing this before.

It is an option because Linux gives you options, even if you hang yourself with them.

You have a few choices here:
a) you can spend the hours needed to fix your dual-DE setup
b) you can listen to advice and avoid things that tend to not work out well
c) you can run something with less options, like MacOS

That's the point, though. I have never seen such advice, and as a matter of fact, I have read a lot of sources on how easy it is to set up and maintain multiple DEs on the same system. Nowhere before this thread have I seen anyone say, "It is not a good idea to install more than one DE on the same system." I am not saying this is not sound advice. I am saying it is advice that no one has ever given me.

I can concur I you want. It is not a good idea to install multiple DE on a system. Oh multiple tiling manager work fine, but two DE that will compete for QT or gtk configuration or for the default programs will cause havoc on your system

KDE Plasma continues improving to stop you breaking things
5 February 2022 at 2:45 pm UTC Likes: 9

Yeah, Plasma keep breaking thing on my computer so that I don't have to break them I suppose.

Free top-down action game Steelbreakers gets a bunch of new maps
5 January 2022 at 6:19 pm UTC

That looks very good. I will try to play it with friends.

Fantastic idle game Melvor Idle leaves Early Access this month, teams with Jagex
3 November 2021 at 1:56 pm UTC

Does Fantastic refers to the quality of the game or to the setting ?

(Sorry if it is obvious, English is not my primary language)