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Latest Comments by Purple Library Guy
Unity CEO John Riccitiello is leaving 'effective immediately'
10 October 2023 at 9:33 pm UTC

Quoting: PhiladelphusMind you, I think this is all shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

After over 80 weeks the Steam Deck leaves the top 10 global sellers on Steam
10 October 2023 at 3:14 pm UTC Likes: 5

Guess they'll have to add some more regions it's sold in.

Unity CEO John Riccitiello is leaving 'effective immediately'
10 October 2023 at 5:55 am UTC Likes: 5

Quoting: TheSHEEEPYou could basically let AI write the entire play at this point.

From soulless corporate leaving blabla to soulless corporate replacement blabla and generic corporate statement as glue between those event.
Nobody would notice if any of those things were or were not written by a human being, as everything is just meaningless platitudes anyway.
Technically, we don't know for sure that isn't how it was done.

A live-action Cyberpunk 2077 project is under way from Anonymous Content
9 October 2023 at 6:26 pm UTC Likes: 1

When it comes to roleplaying games of a certain oeuvre, I'm more of a Shadowrun guy.

ATOM RPG Trudograd gets a Steam Deck and Gamepad upgrade
9 October 2023 at 6:21 pm UTC Likes: 1

Ah, Trudeaugrad! Is about my country of Canada.

Proton 8.0-4 brings more game support to Steam Deck and desktop Linux
7 October 2023 at 5:48 pm UTC

Quoting: poiuzAccusations based on what?
Where have you been?

Proton 8.0-4 brings more game support to Steam Deck and desktop Linux
6 October 2023 at 11:08 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: poiuz
Quoting: benstor214The 30%-cut was established for decades, including the storefronts on consoles. It's only after Tim Sweeney started pushing this false narrative of 30 percent being 'too much', that the cut gets this undeserved scrutiny.
Having sold succesful games, Sweeney can make an estimate on what the platforms are earning. Which insights can you share to call it undeserved?
I myself have serious doubts about the 30% cut being reasonable. But Sweeney isn't saying it's a bad thing for that reason. He is offering a lower cut, talking about the higher cut being bad, and doing various other tactics, in an attempt to get his store to occupy the position Steam currently occupies, of dominant player with network effects that are functionally much like a monopoly. He has been willing to take considerable losses to push this attempt. If he succeeds, he will immediately jack the percentage back up, maybe even beyond 30%. He calculates that the losses he takes trying to boost market share will be well worth it when he is able to charge monopoly rents later. This is a very common tactic; it's been particularly noticeable in airlines, where in any given region the airline with the deepest pockets will often operate at a loss, trying to bankrupt the others as they scramble to compete, only to jack up fares once the competition is gone.

I think Sweeney will fail. But succeed or fail, nothing he says can be considered information, beyond "Sweeney thinks it will be to his advantage if you believe this". Not that everything he says is a lie--that would actually be information. Rather, if the truth happens to be advantageous, he will tell it, and if it isn't, he won't, so him saying something doesn't tell you anything about it.

Proton 8.0-4 brings more game support to Steam Deck and desktop Linux
6 October 2023 at 10:56 pm UTC Likes: 5

Quoting: poiuz
Quoting: benstor214Valve should charge them!

The amount of hoops you are forced to jump through as a modern gamer keeps baffling me. It is a sign that these companies couldn’t care less about the troubles their customers have to go through as soon as the credit card details landed in the inbox.
You're Valve's customer. Your system is not supported by many developers. Why would you expect anything at all?
I don't think we're talking about issues that are specific to Linux, though? Everyone hates all the launchers and shit.

Proton 8.0-4 brings more game support to Steam Deck and desktop Linux
6 October 2023 at 9:16 pm UTC

Quoting: benstor214The 30%-cut was established for decades, including the storefronts on consoles.
That is true, but it doesn't actually establish anything about how fair that is. Almost all the storefronts involved are some kind of functional near-monopoly. Someone established 30% as "what the market will bear if it has no choice", everyone else followed, and it has become pretty much traditional. But the players involved have been pretty close-mouthed about whether that 30% bears the tiniest resemblance to their expenses. The general impression one gets is that 30% results in pretty fat profits.

We like Valve because they seem to be kind of on Linux's side and because of all those monopolistic players in different online sale sectors they're about the only one that seems to have any willingness to play nice with their community. But still, it's pretty likely they're putting away great walloping masses of windfall profit.

Core Keeper 'Shimmering Frontier' update is out now
6 October 2023 at 4:06 pm UTC Likes: 1

So, then variation on an old Star Trek joke:
How many ears does a Core Keeper have?
Three. One on the left, one on the right, and a shimmering front ear.