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Unity CEO John Riccitiello is leaving 'effective immediately'

By - | Views: 42,407

Unity has announced that President, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman and a member of the Company’s Board of Directors - John Riccitiello, is leaving "effective immediately". This follows on from the ridiculous pricing changes Unity tried recently, with the press release making no mention of it at all.

Riccitiello is no stranger to controversy who said some developers were "some of the biggest fucking idiots" in an interview with Pocket Gamer. Riccitiello was also EA CEO when they first launched loot boxes in FIFA 09, and even went as far as suggesting gamers would pay to reload their weapons in games like Battlefield. No doubt many will be happy to see Riccitiello leave. From the press release:

“It’s been a privilege to lead Unity for nearly a decade and serve our employees, customers, developers and partners, all of whom have been instrumental to the Company’s growth,” Mr. Riccitiello said. “I look forward to supporting Unity through this transition and following the Company’s future success.”

Perhaps under new leadership, Unity can begin to fix up their image.

James M. Whitehurst has been appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer, President and a member of the Board while the search process begins to find a new permanent CEO. Whitehurst was previously CEO at Red Hat and later President at IBM. Statement from the press release:

“I am honored to join Unity as Interim CEO and President at this important time in its evolution,” Mr. Whitehurst said. “With the Company’s experienced leadership and passionate employees, I am confident that Unity is well-positioned to continue enhancing its platform, strengthening its community of customers, developers and partners, and focusing on its growth and profitability goals. I look forward to working closely with the Board and our talented global team to execute on our strategy, and I anticipate a seamless transition.”

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Tags: Game Dev, Misc, Unity
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Linux_Rocks Oct 9, 2023
InhaleOblivion Oct 9, 2023
Based off how both of their press releases sound. They clearly haven't learned anything from this debacle. It's the typical out with the old swan song golden parachute goodbye, with the newly promoted guy welcome introduction to not drive the company off a cliff.
StalePopcorn Oct 9, 2023
I'd bet there's still cancer in the body
Mohandevir Oct 9, 2023
Color me surprised... Not!

Business as usual...
Ehvis Oct 9, 2023
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And nothing of value was lost.
Sakuretsu Oct 9, 2023
He certainly wasn't the only one behind all that shitstorm.

Getting rid of him alone doesn't solve things.
Lofty Oct 9, 2023
Quoting: SakuretsuHe certainly wasn't the only one behind all that shitstorm.

Getting rid of him alone doesn't solve things.

Does it need solving though ?

A corporate game engine entity like this can be bad for gamers & Linux in long run as you never know when the next draconian policy is going to come along and create issues. Not just effecting future titles, but potentially any past titles on said engine you might want to revisit in years to come.

GODOT on the other hand is less of a liability and is more future proof and trustworthy.

Maybe we have to let Unity engine wither away, and support new increasingly capable and upcoming opensource technologies.

Last edited by Lofty on 9 October 2023 at 11:51 pm UTC
Mountain Man Oct 9, 2023
It seems like Riccitiello is really good at growing a brand and making it successful, and then suddenly introducing a monumentally stupid idea that undercuts his prior success.
Grogan Oct 10, 2023
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Quoting: EhvisAnd nothing of value was lost.

Yeah, it's not a CEO that does the work... only implements policies to make investors/shareholders money. This is not necessarily aligned with making good products.
ElectricPrism Oct 10, 2023
The WEFite has advanced his masters goals of normalizing a "always-online" "you will own nothing" and "rent everything forever" world.

This isn't a win. The players behind it have the 2nd largest GDP in the world and even these losses are just "chump change" to them.

It was a calculated loss for a cultural win bringing us more in line with their hellscape vision for our future feudalism under fief lords.

Last edited by ElectricPrism on 10 October 2023 at 12:41 am UTC
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