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Latest Comments by Avehicle7887
BATTLETECH gets an opt-in Linux beta on Steam
29 September 2018 at 11:35 am UTC

Personally I'm fine with waiting a bit more for the Linux version, there's only 1 thing that bothers me terribly though - the pre-order bonuses. Why do Linux users have to be punished with lack of content because the game wasn't ready for their platform and it's not even their fault? I understand it's just a few extra skins, but it's enough to consider it a deal breaker for me.

Call me whatever you wish, I know my reasoning may seem wrong to some people, it sounds counterproductive to our platform, but let me just say that doesn't mean we have to be treated as second class citizens and if someone doesn't speak up, devs will keep making the same mistake over and over. I'll gladly pay to have that the DLC.

The RPG 'Pathfinder: Kingmaker' is out with critical bugs in the Linux version
27 September 2018 at 6:22 am UTC

Quoting: crazyeyesI can't help but notice that the method chain on the lower levels is named "Save." Could it possibly be that a thread is saving for some reason at the same time the file is being loaded?

The game does do that and and now I have the faint suspect it's probably the reason why it crashes. Upon a successful load it does automaticalky save again.

Not sure why it's working for some people though. Removing that save at load might just be the fix.

The RPG 'Pathfinder: Kingmaker' is out with critical bugs in the Linux version
26 September 2018 at 10:28 pm UTC

Quoting: Devlin
Quoting: Avehicle7887
Quoting: DevlinNow the only remaining blocking issue that I have is that there is no way to load a saved file on Linux, so it makes no sense to play the game until that is fixed.

If you start a new game, finish the dialog > save immediately > and load = doesn't work?

So, the savegames work for me, I saved like 6 times and 6 times it loaded fine. Can you please send me your save game? I can try to debug the issue.

Sure, I uploaded the two save files, the autosave and a manual save just after the initial dialogue:

The error that I can see in the log is this one:
IOException: Sharing violation on path /home/***/.config/unity3d/Owlcat Games/Pathfinder Kingmaker/Saved Games/Manual_1_Banquet_Hall_15_Gozran__IV__4710.zks
  at System.IO.File.Move (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName) [0x0010f] in <e1a80661d61443feb3dbdaac88eeb776>:0 
  at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.Save () [0x002a5] in <bbd9aba337974e5db8c5a361e0f7ec0c>:0 
  at Kingmaker.EntitySystem.Persistence.ZipSaver.Save () [0x00006] in <e961eed5aae84e58b8802c3b27c03758>:0 
  at Kingmaker.EntitySystem.Persistence.SaveManager+<LoadRoutine>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00112] in <e961eed5aae84e58b8802c3b27c03758>:0 
  at Kingmaker.EntitySystem.Persistence.LoadingProcess.TickLoading () [0x0000c] in <e961eed5aae84e58b8802c3b27c03758>:0 
  at Kingmaker.EntitySystem.Persistence.LoadingProcess.Update () [0x000be] in <e961eed5aae84e58b8802c3b27c03758>:0 
Rethrow as LoadGameException
  at Kingmaker.EntitySystem.Persistence.LoadingProcess.Update () [0x0012e] in <e961eed5aae84e58b8802c3b27c03758>:0 

Edit: Just deleted the saves and created new ones without cloud saves activated. Same result.

Both of your savegames are loading fine for me, I even tried giving them read-only permissions and they still worked. What kind of filesystem are you using? (ext4, btrfs...etc). Also may I ask you if your user name includes a space? Sorry if I'm sounding like the FBI.

The RPG 'Pathfinder: Kingmaker' is out with critical bugs in the Linux version
26 September 2018 at 9:19 pm UTC

Quoting: DevlinNow the only remaining blocking issue that I have is that there is no way to load a saved file on Linux, so it makes no sense to play the game until that is fixed.

If you start a new game, finish the dialog > save immediately > and load = doesn't work?

So, the savegames work for me, I saved like 6 times and 6 times it loaded fine. Can you please send me your save game? I can try to debug the issue.

In case you're using Steam - have you tried turning off Cloud Saves?

Surviving Mars has released its “Sagan” update, adds a few new interesting features
26 September 2018 at 7:08 pm UTC Likes: 1

Kudos to Haemimont for the support, one of the few games I'm happy to have pre-ordered.

The RPG 'Pathfinder: Kingmaker' is out with critical bugs in the Linux version
26 September 2018 at 6:49 pm UTC Likes: 3

Can anyone hear music in the main menu? I checked youtube videos and it does seem to have it. I have none and terminal is throwing a bunch of AK errors which I'm reporting to the devs atm.

I reported the bug here:


A temporary solution to the no-music issue:

I replaced the game's "" library file with the one from PoE 2 and now Music, Sound effects and Ambient are all working.

Furthermore there are no more errors in the terminal. For those who don't own PoE2, I have uploaded the library file to this link:

The file needs to go into "Pathfinder/Kingmaker_Data/Plugins/x86_64".

The RPG 'Pathfinder: Kingmaker' is out with critical bugs in the Linux version
26 September 2018 at 4:36 pm UTC Likes: 1


The Linux version is now downloadable at GOG. Haven't tested myself as it's a 30gb download and I just got home 15mins ago.

Timespinner, a polished and fun metroidvania, is now available
25 September 2018 at 6:53 pm UTC Likes: 2

I hope this makes it to GOG since Chucklefish is the publisher, my love for metroidvanias make this an instabuy.

The RPG 'Pathfinder: Kingmaker' is out with critical bugs in the Linux version
25 September 2018 at 5:00 pm UTC Likes: 2

I was hyped for this, even watched out for the release in the middle of work. Hopefully won't be too long before they fix it. Thanks for covering it Liam.

DXVK 0.80 is out with a new cache to reduce stutter and further CPU overhead improvements
23 September 2018 at 9:47 pm UTC

Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: Avehicle7887I have but one question - How does the new shader cache work with Nvidia? The games now seem to store shader cache in both the *.dxvk-cache file and Nvidia's own method (I'm using the __GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE_PATH envvar). Do they work together or I can disable the Nvidia built in one?
The new DXVK cache stores pipeline state, while Nvidia's cache stores compiled shaders. There's no actual overlap.

That clears it, thanks :-)