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Latest Comments by Avehicle7887
DXVK 0.80 is out with a new cache to reduce stutter and further CPU overhead improvements
23 September 2018 at 9:05 pm UTC

Quoting: YoRHa-2B
Quoting: ShmerlI tested it with The Witcher 3, and somehow witcher3.dxvk-cache that was generated is just 12 bytes.
The game is silly and
a) creates multiple D3D11 devices
b) changes its current working directory multiple times.

The actual cache file you're looking for is in the /bin subdir, not in /bin/x64.

Also, Witcher 3 does not compile its shaders ahead of time, so you will still encounter stutters in this game (although it should be less annoying because it can now use multiple threads to do it in parallel).

Fantastic update, this has eliminated a lot of the stutter in Witcher 3 :-)

I have but one question - How does the new shader cache work with Nvidia? The games now seem to store shader cache in both the *.dxvk-cache file and Nvidia's own method (I'm using the __GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE_PATH envvar). Do they work together or I can disable the Nvidia built in one?

Thanks for your work.

Transhuman Design has removed the Linux version of BUTCHER due to issues in favour of Steam Play (updated)
23 September 2018 at 12:38 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: wojtek88but take a look for example at Torchlight. There was a build for Humble, but it was done so long time ago, that almost nobody is able to play it. If a game is QA'ed and approved on Steam Play I am fine with that approach. Even if it means, that developer won't be able to support the game - I know that Valve will support it. One way or the other.

The Linux build of Torchlight still works quite well. The most common problem with that game is that it requires the libSDL2 library it came bundled with the installer to work correctly.

Some freshly baked screenshots:

As for Butcher, I understand the devs tried to do the right thing here and to give Linux users a working game, in a way it's like showing they care for the little penguins. I'm just hoping Proton doesn't become the easy way out.

Transhuman Design has removed the Linux version of BUTCHER due to issues in favour of Steam Play (updated)
20 September 2018 at 10:06 pm UTC Likes: 2

I don't know about the full game (way too pixelated for me to enjoy) but I just went ahead and tried the demo which uses Unity 5.5.1f1 and it runs just fine on Nvidia 396.54.06.

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil is now officially available on Linux, more coming from Icculus
12 September 2018 at 5:16 pm UTC Likes: 2

Great news, once this lands on GOG I'm buying.

GOG are doing a 'Back to School Sale' with plenty of Linux games on sale
3 September 2018 at 7:46 pm UTC

So many discounts, might buy a few games for DXVK use. Elex is particularly inviting.

What are you playing this weekend?
1 September 2018 at 3:30 pm UTC

Shadow Warrior 2 here under Wine + DXVK, currently at around 15% completion. I like the RPG elements with the weapon customizations and the character progression system.

Steam Play's Proton beta has been updated with a performance improvement and fixes
30 August 2018 at 9:40 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: WoodlandorOddly enough, for me, Doom works perfectly with the OpenGl 4.5 renderer.
With the Vulkan renderer, the lighting doesn't seem to work.
Haven't quite figured that one out yet.

Since you're using a GTX 760, which driver version are you running? It shouldn't matter much since the game is already a couple years old and Vulkan didn't have as many extensions back then but you never know, it's the first place I'd start.

Adventure and exploration platformer 'La-Mulana 2' is planned for Linux
18 August 2018 at 12:00 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: M@GOidI hope they make the menus less awkward this time. The first one needed some studying to get out of the game...

Once you save the game you can use the universal key(s), ALT+F4 almost never fails ;)

Adventure and exploration platformer 'La-Mulana 2' is planned for Linux
17 August 2018 at 11:10 pm UTC Likes: 1


I really enjoyed the first game, it was fun, it was challenging and the sequel looks equally great.

DXVK 0.70 is out with support for Direct3D 10 over Vulkan in Wine
17 August 2018 at 6:46 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: EhvisBest make that "it did". Since the Fortnite update, not so much anymore.

I was hoping to give the game a shot and see what's the craze with Battle Royale games, I only ever tried PUBG on phone which is a different experience than the PC.

Thanks for the heads up, and to @drlamb for the link.