Latest Comments by TheRiddick
Techland haven't decided if Dying Light 2 will be on Linux
30 June 2018 at 1:12 am UTC

Linux is not PC for allot of developers, sadly.

Techland haven't decided if Dying Light 2 will be on Linux
29 June 2018 at 11:19 pm UTC

Just tested it on Antergos NVIDIA 1080ti 396.24.02 and it works fine for me.

I'd say this is a AMD driver issue, either your driver isn't the right version (amdgpu is best one) or mesa is not updated.

I intend to move back to a AMD graphics card once a 1080ti beater comes out, one day.
(could take a while since AMD seems to have shrunk their GPU engineer department to a hair string).

Techland haven't decided if Dying Light 2 will be on Linux
29 June 2018 at 10:39 pm UTC

I would seek help in the Dying Light steam discussion group. That is likely to get you somewhere faster. (don't forget to use search function)

Techland haven't decided if Dying Light 2 will be on Linux
29 June 2018 at 10:32 pm UTC

That is why I said multi-platform ready. And not just works on other platforms.

Once you have the Graphics API sorted out then the rest can then fall into place in due time, if they just use DX11 or 12 for example, then its far from ready for porting to other platforms!

Also there are plenty of wrapping solutions for the other components that a developer can look at using.

The graphics API is the BIG thing that controls how well a game will run on a platform, we have seen DOOM work almost 1:1 windows performance with Wine, yet it ONLY has vulkan/opengl API's and NONE of the other components sorted out!

DXVK for Vulkan-based D3D11 in Wine version 0.61 is out with improved performance
29 June 2018 at 10:28 pm UTC Likes: 1

Wonder if SMAA/TAA methods can be sped up with DXVK. Atm if I enable TAA in a game it takes 20-30fps hit, but under windows its more like 5fps.. bit nasty.

For my 1080ti at 4k.
Please note performance tweaks and mods are sometimes used, I try to settle on medium settings with ultra high texture resolution.

These results are just a idea of what you can expect if using top end hardware at 4k. Obviously at 1080p or 1440p you will get over 60fps, and thus you should NOT be complaining! :)
Wine3.10/11_Staging used .

Witcher 3 (blood and wine, night [HBAO])
Linux DXVK 0.60 FPS: 42
Windows 10 FPS: 58

Fallout 4 (no dynperf, pondview vault87)
Linux DXVK 0.60 FPS: 33
Windows 10 FPS: 50 "

Kingdom Come (low/med settings, perf modifications)
(Start-Castle night-watch, looking down wall to torch)
Linux DXVK 0.61 FPS: 46 MAINMENU FPS: 54
Windows 10 "" FPS: 62 MAINMENU FPS: 67

I hope once the next top end GPU's come out that DXVK will offer 60fps at 4k, which will be nice. Some games already exceed 60fps but their rare or older titles.

Techland haven't decided if Dying Light 2 will be on Linux
29 June 2018 at 10:24 pm UTC Likes: 1

If they work on a vulkan renderer then it becomes multi-platform ready, I seriously hope this developer understands that. Kinda getting sick of developers spending time on releasing their game with 3 or 4 graphics API's just to work on all the platforms, its INSANE!

PS. You can buy a title on Steam and then get a refund a couple days later if you don't like it. I have done this a few times, even recently with post scriptum (too hard for me, too buggy). That's basically a free demo right there!

An interview with the CEO of Gaijin, developer of War Thunder, about supporting Linux and working with the Vulkan API
29 June 2018 at 10:18 pm UTC

Quoting: TheRiddickDid you experience this with xorg 1.20?

I have x1.20, have not tried 1.19 since its a nightmare to downgrade. I'll try the borderless window trick but I doubt that will resolve the issue.

Difference between Vulkan and DX12 atm is that Microsoft are PAYING developers to adopt DX12, so there is a strong incentive to move to the walled garden for allot of developers who might not have budget/time to spare on Vulkan. It's unfortunate but that is business.

At present if a game uses DX12 AND MSStore then it cannot work under Wine. Only if it uses JUST DX12, however MS are trying hard to net developers into the walled garden. (which does not allow devs freedom to sell elsewhere!)

The Paradox Launcher is now available on Linux
28 June 2018 at 4:15 am UTC

If CDPR released Cyberpunk 2077 on linux at launch, now that should be amazeballs. We can only hope for Vulkan render use (stop using DX12 please!)

An interview with the CEO of Gaijin, developer of War Thunder, about supporting Linux and working with the Vulkan API
27 June 2018 at 5:57 am UTC

It doesn't crash the desktop, just paints a black screen on top which you can forgo with a minimize action (game runs in background but with black window.

You can killall kwin_x11 before launching the game if you wish to not run it via a separate xdesktop.

The problem doesn't occur with certain other window managers, mainly basic ones have no issues.

Someone will find a better solution, I just use the command below myself.

cd '/mnt/GamesSSD/SteamLibraryLinux/steamapps/common/War Thunder/linux64/' && killall kwin_x11 && ./aces

War Thunder currently has a Vulkan renderer under development that you can try out
27 June 2018 at 12:18 am UTC

To bypass the kwin and perhaps other window manager black screen issues, do the following in a new tty. (ctrl-alt-f2 for example)

cd '(steampath)/steamapps/common/War Thunder/' && startx ./linux64/aces

I have NOT adjusted the path.