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Base-building, tower defense and digging — Lumencraft has it all
13 March 2023 at 12:44 am UTC

Oh, it's released now? Nice. I already purchased it from GOG during development. Woot!

Paradox announce Cities: Skylines 2, plus a The Sims-like game and more
13 March 2023 at 12:38 am UTC

I did not give Cities: Skylines a fair try. I tried starting it one day when I must not have been in the mood to learn a new game, and so I quit after like 15 minutes. Still, I have no excitement for a sequel until I experience the first game I already own.

But Life by You and Lamplighters? Oh yeah. I want those. The Sims could use some competition. I'm not a Sims addict, but they're fun to play every year or so. Get bored, then take a break for another year. I welcome a game like that from a Linux friendly publisher like Paradox where I don't have to launch Origin via Wine.

I know people will be cynical about DLC from Paradox for a Sims-like game. DLC that I don't have to buy doesn't bother me. I have several Stellaris DLC, but I don't own much DLC for other Paradox games. Works for me.

Dota 2 removes OpenGL support, new hero Muerta now live, big update due in April
12 March 2023 at 9:31 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestYes, the hardware prices go crazy periodically during last few years, and it is really frustrating to see that pretty capable GPUs get obsolete due to the lack of software support.
I know pointing this out doesn't help anybody, but remember that Dota 2 is practically a game as a service, or like a subscription model. It's not like you can purchase a certain version of the game and keep playing it forever.

Is it even possible to make graphics cards support newer stuff better? Like flashing the firmware? Is that something we could rally for? It's kind of the same situation with cell phones. You can get an iPhone that physically works a lot longer than bug fix support lasts. E-waste FTW.

Starfield from Bethesda launching September 6
12 March 2023 at 4:57 am UTC

It's been on my wish list for a good while now. If I'm being honest, I might not pick it up until a year after release. I haven't even purchased or started Elden Ring yet, which is the next major single-player game in my plans. I'd also say Starfield is in the yeah-I-probably-want-that category and not must-have until I hear reviews from critics and friends.

Flathub seeks funding to add payments, donations and subscriptions
4 March 2023 at 3:26 am UTC Likes: 1

If I could pay a lump $100/yr for all the open source software I use, I would do it. But you have to donate to projects of varying sizes right now. It is... kind of difficult to manage unless you're going to break out a spreadsheet and make a nice chore out of it.

Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor is a Vampire Survivors styled spin-off
4 March 2023 at 3:18 am UTC

Single player looter shooter? To each his own, but not my jam. One of the many reasons I love Deep Rock is because I can jump into a co-op game with random players and pretty dependably have a good time without griefers.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive keeps breaking player records
26 February 2023 at 5:36 am UTC

I don't like CS:GO. I like the Insurgency games far better.

Walk around a corner and die instantly? Then wait for the round to end? Give me a break. The Battlefield games were always way more up my alley. More dynamic combat and objectives.

Minecraft 1.20 adding Archaeology, Cherry Blossom Biome and a Sniffer mob
26 February 2023 at 5:29 am UTC

What do you guys think about the secure chat system feature that came out a couple versions ago?

Valve tricks Dota 2 cheaters and then bans 40,000 of them
26 February 2023 at 5:20 am UTC

Quoting: GuestDota is free so all 40 thousands cheaters came back the same day on new account. In the old days punkbuster was giving hardware bans instead. Wikipedia says hardware GUID can be spoofed so it might be the reason why it's not in use anymore. I don't think this ban wave will change anything.
Since the game has been around forever now, they could change new sign-ups to require referral. Remember when Gmail was like that? You can only refer if your account is mature. If the people you refer cheat, you get warnings and an eventual suspension. It's like co-signing a loan.

Ubuntu flavours to drop Flatpak by default and stick to Snaps
26 February 2023 at 5:12 am UTC Likes: 1

Since Ubuntu is seen as friendly to newcomers, it's a shame those newcomers will have to figure out how to install and configure Flatpak that first time they try to install one but their system doesn't recognize the command. Mint, Pop OS, and Elementary OS are handling Flatpak support better.

I'd still recommend Mint over Ubuntu to Linux newbies. That is if they feel they don't know enough to decide. What I've done in the past in an attempt to snuff my bias is show screenshots of the desktop interface of various distributions and let them decide based on appearance of window managers and how the desktop is organized.