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Latest Comments by Zlopez
Try the first demo of the dino MMO Path of Titans, we have some testing keys to give away
22 August 2019 at 8:37 am UTC Likes: 1

Thanks for the key Liam, I will probably try to create a Flatpak from their launcher.

Steam Play passes six thousand Windows games playable on Linux, according to ProtonDB
22 August 2019 at 8:07 am UTC Likes: 5

For me Steam Play is a way to play games with friends, who are still using Windows. Most of the games they are playing either didn't worked on Linux (before Proton) or the cross platform multiplayer is not working (I'm looking at Total War titles here, although the port made by Feral is running awesome). There is not much to be done about cross platform issues, but at least for other games we have Steam Play :-)

Thanks to Steam Play I also played few games I would otherwise skip, only because they are not available on Linux.

The aquatic theme park management sim "Megaquarium" now has modding support
23 July 2019 at 2:24 pm UTC

Quoting: kokoko3kIs there a function to let all of the caged animals to escape and conquer the world, or at least be free again?

I remember this function from Jurrasic Park. It was fun to sold every entrance to island and switch power in fences off and then just look what havoc your dinosaurs are wreaking on the visitors. :D

The Chaos Space Marines have arrived in Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
19 July 2019 at 10:20 am UTC

Quoting: Luke_Nukem
Quoting: chancho_zombie
Quoting: wazz4657This game is dope, but I gotta call out the "well supported"'s not. This is another in a line of games broken on SteamOS and other distros (glibc), and I've spoken to them on the forums, there are no plans to fix. I know how the game goes, and they can't support every distro, and if I'm being honest I could play this on one of my Ubuntu machines, so I'm just bitching...but my gaming rig is SteamOS, and this will likely never run there again. Wasted my $$$ on all the DLC up till now, but I will not be buying this xpac, unfortunately.

that's why I switched to Linux Mint after years of using OpenSuse. 90% of my library runs fine but there is 3 or 4 games that I have problems with. Getting used to apt is going to take some time. But, I think there is plenty lifespan over LTS ubuntu based distros till the final 32 bit doomsday.
There's very little difference across distros on the graphics stacks and driver, games shouldn't have that kind of problems when switching distros but I understand the developers point of view on this. In an ideal world ppl shouldn't be forced to use Ubuntu (or ubuntu based distros) but yeah, sh*t happens (in this case bad developing decisions).

This is why I use flatpak on openSUSE. In fact my whole setup is minimal Gnome desktop, and all user apps are flatpaks - runs a treat and has no issues at all.

I'm doing the same on Fedora Silverblue. Minimal GNOME with applications in flatpaks and I don't have any issue with Steam in flatpak, it's just running.

The Chaos Space Marines have arrived in Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
18 July 2019 at 3:51 pm UTC

I should return to this game. I didn't played it for some time, but now I want to see in what shape it is.

Dinosaur survival game "Path of Titans" is already funded after only a few days
18 July 2019 at 11:09 am UTC Likes: 2

They already reached first stretch goal!

I supported them, because this was something I wanted to play till I was kid and now dream is coming true. :-)

Strategy god game Godhood from Abbey Games has released into Early Access with Linux support
11 July 2019 at 7:32 pm UTC

I'm also a supporter, I really liked their game Reus and this really caught my eye on Kickstarter. And now I see that my money were good invested.

Valve release an official statement about the future of Linux support, they "remain committed" to Linux gaming
27 June 2019 at 8:41 am UTC Likes: 2

As a Fedora user and full-time developer I'm glad to hear that Fedora is mentioned as one of the distributions providing great gaming desktop experience.

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: ShmerlGreat to hear about Valve working closely with more distros! And especially backing efforts to improve desktop experience. I suppose the recent KDE/KWin work announcement is related to that.

Can you remind me what that KDDe kwin stuff was about ?

KWin is windows manager for KDE, the changes will introduce better handling of games in fullscreen and address issues with game windows.