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Latest Comments by Mezron
River City Ransom: Underground released on GOG with Linux support, some thoughts
7 August 2017 at 9:48 pm UTC

I like the game a lot. My lady loves beat'me up. These were the games she played with her family growing up. So this one was welcomed.

Awesome looking fighting game 'Blade Symphony' looks like it's coming to Linux
4 August 2017 at 8:59 pm UTC

Can two people play this game on the same computer?

Linux game sales statistics from multiple developers, part 5
2 August 2017 at 4:49 pm UTC

Quoting: Pecisk
Quoting: Aresofirst A for big budget, second A for big dev and publisher, and third, it was once, A for quality.
So, AAA games tend to have a lot content, quality models, animations, voice overs, videocuts and so on...

Sure, but then disqualify PC altogether, because best AAA games are on consoles these days. PC market is big, sure, but console market just guarantees that sweet sweet revenue. There's good reason why Arkham Knight was canned for PC altogether.

I think this discussion which rages now for years is basically about "is this enough for Linux desktop to exist and grow?" and we have different opinions where this growth should/can come from. You think Windows gamers suddenly will switch over to Linux for some frame per second or other reason....not really. I never bought that argument.

For me Linux gaming is - does it offer enough entertainment and fun for Linux user NOT to use Windows dual boot or switch to Windows altogether? I would argue it does for many, many users.

This is an excellent and defining point. When I help people migrate to Linux that also play computer games, very few of them switch because of FPS. Most switch because the computer game they are already enjoying or plan to enjoy is on Linux. They are tired of whatever is going on in their current OS or are just curious. Those that stay, do so because they find more programs of use to their daily computing needs and they find other games to enjoy.

Linux game sales statistics from multiple developers, part 5
2 August 2017 at 12:48 pm UTC Likes: 1

Can't remember if this is an ongoing article or is there going to be a final part and then a summary of all of them previous ones combined for a final take?

If you follow all of the work liamdawe put into all of these parts, the outlook seems great. I just wish I could support more of these games but I'm not into single player games and most of the ones covered were.

For me to buy a game, it has to have

  • *Linux native - Dosbox wrappers are the exception for older games

  • *DRM-FREE - With slight exception to Steam

  • Split Screen or Same Screen Gaming

  • 100% Controller Support

  • Local Multiplayer - Versus or Cooperative

  • $20 or under

I may sometimes go above the $20 limit if the game provide editing tools for levels, characters or more.

How To: An update on fixing screen-tearing on Linux with an NVIDIA GPU
13 July 2017 at 2:29 am UTC

Hmm. I just built a side rig and installed 375.66 for and Nvidia GTX 960 on Ubuntu Mate and I do not see the same settings. I still have to use a script to remove the tearing @ startup.

Shakedown: Hawaii from the Retro City Rampage developer is now only a possibility for Linux
12 July 2017 at 10:11 pm UTC

Very rare that I like and complete a SP game. RCR was a joy to play and complete. This would have been an instant buy for me and possibly from my son.

Game store itch seems to have a problem with people selling pirated games
12 July 2017 at 9:10 pm UTC

Motherfuckers! is awesome and the going in there and trying to mess it up for the rest of us.

Killing Floor is currently free on Humble Store
23 June 2017 at 11:51 am UTC

Quoting: mrdeathjrThanks for the vid

The stalker is not suppose to look like liquid metal.

That map is perfect but others have missing and flickering textures. Also during use of the flash like some textures disappear.

ATI and Intel users do not have this problem.

Serious Sam's Bogus Detour released with day-1 Linux support, some quick thoughts
22 June 2017 at 2:10 am UTC

Quoting: g000hI've generally had very positive experiences with Linux and gamepads (well Xbox 360 gamepad and Xbox 360 gamepad clones). Launching Rocket League for the first time, and all the buttons and sticks were mapped correctly, without needing to configure anything.

I'd be tempted to blame the games (or the specific distro) if gamepads are working badly.

It's more likely the game. All of my gamepads work without issue on Linux. I have a 16 different types that I use frequently.

I will probably get this and just AntiMicro the gamepad configs til patch.