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Doom (2016) could have been on Linux, id Software made a Linux version sound easy to do
25 March 2018 at 10:29 am UTC Likes: 5

Quoting: JahimselfSo I guess at the head of zenimax there are some weird people.

Donald Trump's brother - Robert S. Trump - sits on Zenimax's board of directors.
Fun fact: Donald Trump blamed brutal computer games after the last gun rampage.

After displacing Christopher Weaver from ZeniMax, the company is run by old people who have nothing to do with computer games. These people are experienced in business and do many things right, I think. But they have no real love for Games I suspect. I think they work in a similar way to the big film studios. They give the makers (Bethesda) a lot of freedom, but always make strange decisions.

Doom (2016) could have been on Linux, id Software made a Linux version sound easy to do
24 March 2018 at 10:59 pm UTC

Quoting: TheRiddickBethesda won't even allow other companies to port and manage a linux version like Feral, which takes all the trouble out of producing and supporting a port that people have argued is NOT WORTH IT for the profit.. whatever.

Come on, they already have a Linux version. I don't know why they don't publish it. Maybe they're afraid of support.

Doom (2016) could have been on Linux, id Software made a Linux version sound easy to do
24 March 2018 at 10:36 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Leopard
Quoting: 1xok
Quoting: LeopardMaxing out revenue.

I would say Valve is maxing out revenue by collecting every cent.

Take care of the pennies and the pounds look after themsleves.

I don't get it.

Last time i saw , Valve was not a charity.It was a company Like GOG , EA, Sony , Bethesda etc.

Yes, Valve makes money with everything also with Linux and MacOS. That's clever.

I don't see it as a strength if a company can only earn money in the current mainstream as is the case with Bethesta. Take a game like Alien: Isolation from SEGA. Without the Linux and Mac sales it would not even have been profitable. Five percent extra income can mean a lot. Bethesta waives it. Bethesda not going broke because of this. But I don't see why it is so clever to not support a platform. SEGA, 2k or Warner also make a deal with Mac and Linux sales. Why not?

Doom (2016) could have been on Linux, id Software made a Linux version sound easy to do
24 March 2018 at 10:14 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: LeopardMaxing out revenue.

I would say Valve is maxing out revenue by collecting every cent.

Take care of the pennies and the pounds look after themsleves.

Doom (2016) could have been on Linux, id Software made a Linux version sound easy to do
24 March 2018 at 4:55 pm UTC

I already bought it because it runs meanwhile perfectly under Wine. It's a pity it will never be officially released for Linux, because of Bethesdas NIH-Syndrom and Denuvo.

Maniac Mansion lives again on GOG, with a Linux download thanks to ScummVM
22 March 2018 at 11:38 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: AsuI've played it on C64. omg the memories...

Quoting: KuJo
Quoting: AsuI've played it on C64. omg the memories...
Same here!

I still play it on a breadbin C64 from time to time. With the same old joystick. Some of these old floppies still work. While the interface of these game is dated, if you are the public for that kind of humour, these games are still relevant and will stay so for a long time.


P.S. How many old farts are we here ? :)

I can only play the C64 version. This is the only true version. ;)

It runs perfectly in vice (command x64) after installing dos1541 and one or two other roms from https://ist.uwaterloo.ca/~schepers/roms.html.

Nearly all C64 games can be found here: http://www.c64games.de/

It feels like you're finally in paradise. :)

I recommend vice to any old C64 veteran. Vice is so damn good.

The Linux-powered games console the Ataribox has become the Atari VCS
20 March 2018 at 9:26 am UTC

I think it would have been difficult to develop and update an AMD-based Linux system with a kernel older than 4.15 for such a small company.

I'm skeptical. They didn't present a concept. Working closely with Valve would certainly be helpful, but I do not have the impression that there is a connection. On its own it becomes very difficult to impossible for Atari.

But they have beautifully rendered pictures.

Wine 3.4 released with more Vulkan support
17 March 2018 at 10:16 pm UTC

With Wine-Devel many things don't seem to work. When starting Doom 2016 it complains about a missing Vulkan library. GTA V can't even get to the black screen. Generally I get a lot of error messages.

So I'm still using the latest staging version. At least that's how things work on my system (Nvidia GTX 970 / Xubuntu).

For the Devel-branch I had installed:
sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-devel

But now I'm back to staging. However, this is stuck in version 2.21. Has anyone under Ubuntu ever played with the Devel-branch Doom 2016 or made GTA V work?

Wine Staging is no longer putting out new releases
18 February 2018 at 9:34 pm UTC

I use it for Doom 2016. Doom don't work with wine-dev on my system out of the box.

Wine 3.2 released with gamepad improvements and more Direct3D work
17 February 2018 at 5:43 pm UTC

Quoting: KimyrielleWhich gaming relevant patches are in Staging that didn't yet make it to the main branch?

For me the GTA V black screen patch. Is nearly impossible to start the game with wine versions < 3.1 if you have Nvidia hardware. See:
