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Latest Comments by scaine
KDE has an unpatched security issue that's been made public
7 August 2019 at 12:01 pm UTC Likes: 14

As a security consultant myself, I can't believe it's 2019 and this guy didn't go through responsible disclosure. He'll get his 15 minutes of fame alright, but at the expense of his credibility for any future security work. I wouldn't touch this guy with a barge-pole, knowing that this is the attitude with which they approach their work.

The developer of Gloomhaven wants to see what kind of demand there is for Linux support
5 August 2019 at 6:57 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: linuxcityfor those of you saying if they don't put a native i won't buy it well then you won't be buying many titles i said in earlier posts proton is what is saving linux gaming.without it we would not be able to play alot of these games through steam.i know you can use wine and such but alot of people do not want to go through all that.

Fine by me. Like I note above, it's not quite that simple for me - I've bought the occasional title, mostly big AAA that most likely wouldn't never come to Linux anyway. But yeah, native is my preference. Too many issues with Proton/Steam Play.

Maybe that will change. Hopefully.

The developer of Gloomhaven wants to see what kind of demand there is for Linux support
5 August 2019 at 5:41 pm UTC Likes: 5

I'm happy to continue to push for native ports. So far, my Windows purchases since 2013 are:
1. Dishonoured 2 (they removed Denuvo, and it's a platinum in ProtonDB, so given my love of the first game...)
2. Doom 2016 (it was my "test Proton" game)
3. Into the Breach (disappointed I bought this - massively overhyped FTL follow up)
4. Deep Rock Galactic (epic game I have no regrets over! Rock and Stone!!)
5. Fallout 4 (in the sale, disappointed I bought this too - horrible mouse issues in Proton)

And at the weekend there, I buckled like a cheap belt and bought Wolfenstein: The New Order.

Would I buy Gloomhaven if it's Windows only? Nope. No chance. So I'll continue to wishlist and nudge developers that native is the way to go, and if it doesn't pan out - no money from me and plenty more fish in the sea. Maybe in a couple of years time Proton will be out of beta, fully supported and will run Windows games flawlessly with not a single issue. At that point, you might consider me a Windows games customer again.

But until then, 99% of my disposable income is Linux native. This month alone that's Nowhere Prophet, Space Mercs, DeltaV Rings of Saturn, Supraland, Baba is You, Gloom, Reaper, Renowned Explorers and a 4-pack of Barony.

Do I have a problem? Yes. Yes I do. But do I use my horrible addiction for the powers of good? Again, yes.

So that's something...

What have you been clicking on this weekend?
4 August 2019 at 9:59 pm UTC Likes: 2

I bought, installed and finished Wolfenstein: The New Order, bought it as a double-pack with The Old Blood for a reasonable price. Great game, beautiful graphics and fun story (if ridiculous).

Otherwise, 7 Days to Die on the GOL server/stream with Sin, Ehvis, Himselfe and Jolltz, and lots and lots of DOTA Underlords. The latter is much more streamlined with the recent alliance changes and free re-rolls when you lose. Feels a touch fairer/balanced.

Extreme arcade space combat game "Space Mercs" has officially released
2 August 2019 at 8:13 pm UTC Likes: 3

This dev has knocked it out of the park in terms of engagement, approach and results. It's been a pleasure following his progress on Twitter. Insta-buy.

Dota Underlords has another update out, this one changes the game quite a lot
23 July 2019 at 9:45 am UTC

Yep, we'll still disagree. Partly because some such rounds are still meaningless (instead of everyone winning, now everyone loses) but mainly because you have to learn about strategy outside of the game. That's terrible, unforgivable game design.

Well, slightly forgivable, because it's beta. But as I say, I still hold Valve to a higher standard, and they've failed here.

Dota Underlords has another update out, this one changes the game quite a lot
22 July 2019 at 5:21 pm UTC

As I say, we'll disagree. Anything that requires out of game meta/research to make the game enjoyable: terrible game design. I expect better from Valve and if this isn't fixed in later builds, I'll be gobsmacked.

Dota Underlords has another update out, this one changes the game quite a lot
21 July 2019 at 11:04 pm UTC

Can't agree with the above regarding neutrals - the items rarely justify ruining your bench on the off chance of beating them and some of the strongest sides I've seen have lost. As I say, I've played many, many rounds since the change and no-one, ever, has beaten the dinos. The griffens are do-able (some have), but I haven't managed it yet.

Changes like this annoy me a little, because it's just not clear what's happening. When you hover over them, their DPS is typically listed as "minus several hundred thousand", some of the alliance say "alliance-type" and you have to read the release notes to get an inkling. I read the release notes, but got bored after pages of info, and didn't get the neutrals note!

So, yeah, not a fan. It's still in beta though and will no doubt change again before going live.

Dota Underlords has another update out, this one changes the game quite a lot
21 July 2019 at 12:10 am UTC

Still really enjoying this game, but at the Smuggler level, I have to say that the competition is pretty fierce. I haven't won in ages, although I still aim for a podium. Sometimes the RNG just kills you, although it helps to know that there are only so many heroes available, spread amongst the remaining players, so if everyone is chasing a lvl3 Juggernaut, for example, you'll be out of luck.

There's no note of it in the changelog, but the neutrals after the first three rounds appear to have been massively buffed. The Dinos are now effectively impossible - hardly taking damage and dealing out oodles. Everyone, without exception, fails that round now. The two griffins are also nearly impossible, although I've come close occasionally.

Great game. And the levelling/challenges are helpful in urging that "just one more shot" mentality.

The developer of Streets of Rogue recently commented about supporting Linux
16 July 2019 at 11:56 pm UTC

Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: Chronarius
Quoting: scaineBased on my own experience then, I suspect that the vast, vast majority of support issues are logged by Linux users who are using any distro that isn't Ubuntu. Because, honestly, what else can it be??

Or am I somehow magically blessed with this near-perfect experience?

Exactly! This is my experience as well. Ubuntu has become the standard for gaming on Linux.
Very true. Pity they decided to bugger it up with the 32-bit library mess.

And then un-bugger it. And I'm not bothered anyway, as I'll use Ubuntu Mate 18.04 (or possibly 20.04) as the base until 2023/25 and hopefully we'll have a better solution by then. That whole thing is a storm-in-a-teacup as far as I'm concerned.