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Latest Comments by scaine
Portal 2 gets more DXVK Vulkan improvements with another update
2 March 2021 at 6:06 pm UTC Likes: 2

Not sure I agree with the hot takes that the first is better. It certainly had the impact for the novel new gameplay, sure, but it was chock-full of rough edges. I'll always have a nostalgic soft spot for it, both for the novelty of the gameplay and that fantastic end-of-game music.

But the second is so much better. The environments are bigger, bolder. The characters, GladOS, Wheately and Cave (Cave Johnson, what a character! Absolutely epic voice acting from JK Simmons!), all gel (geddit?) so wonderfully. And that ending! But it's also just simply more fun. The gels in the game are so enjoyable to use, so satisfying.

So yeah, it wasn't the "first", but Portal 2 is certainly the better of the two, in my opinion. And I didn't even mention the incredible co-op...

Building a Retro Linux Gaming Computer - Part 1: Dumpster Diving
1 March 2021 at 8:19 pm UTC Likes: 4

Back when this PC came out, my only experience of Linux was playing about with LiveCDs, such as Mandriva. It wasn't a great desktop back then - manually mounting CDs and USB sticks, and trying to figure out the correct AT&T commands to script up an internet dialler!

My god, we take so much for granted now...

Play Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory with the new release of ET: Legacy
1 March 2021 at 1:39 pm UTC Likes: 1

I played a LOT of this game back in its (original) day. It led me on to ET: Quake Wars too, which was another massive time-sync. Happy memories.

The February 2021 round-up here's our top articles
1 March 2021 at 1:36 pm UTC

Absolutely incredible work. Also, a great month generally between launches of both Valheim and Hadean Tactics. And Loop Hero is just around the corner too!

Now if we can just get out lockdown, I'll be a very happy (and quite possibly drunk) bunny.

Reminder: Update your PC info for the next round of statistics updates
1 March 2021 at 12:10 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: CatKiller
Quoting: amataiSure. But transitioning from "no tux, no bucks" to "no tux, bucks" will take a few year more for me before feeling natural.

I've mentioned it before, but for me Proton can mean "no Tux, some bucks." Without Linux support there's no way they're getting full price, but if they haven't made their game not work in Proton then there's a chance they could get a couple of quid. More if they've committed to keeping it working, rather than having it work by accident and stop working at some point in the future by accident.

That's a great point. Every single game I've bought that's Windows-only has either been through Humble Choice or an absolutely mahooosive sale on Steam. Like 75%+ sale. Meanwhile, I'll generally pay full price for a Linux native game.

Plasma 5.21 rolls out as one of the best looking Linux desktops available
26 February 2021 at 5:15 pm UTC

Quoting: ronnoc
Quoting: scaineI mean, how stupid a decision is it really? That I had to install Thunar AND geany, just so I could make a single line edit to my file, the way I've done so for years, and the way that I can do so on every other desktop environment available? That's... pretty stupid, I reckon.

On KDE Plasma on can install Konqueror in under a minute. By the way, it's a really awesome Midnight Commander, twin pane file manager (and more).

QuoteKonqueror is KDE's Webbrowser and swiss-army-knife for any kind of file-management and file previewing.


Webbrowsing using KHTML or KDEWebKit as rendering engines
File management using most of Dolphin's features (including version-control, service menus and the basic UI)
File management on ftp and sftp servers
Full featured FTP-client (you can split views to display local and remote folders and previews in the same window)
Embedded applications to preview files (e.g. Okular and Calligra for documents, Gwenview for pictures, KTextEditor for text-files)
Different kinds of plugins: Service-menus, KParts (embedded applications), KIO (accessing files using special protocols like http or ftp) and KPart-plugins (like AdBlocker...)

Someone further up also mentioned Krusader, too! I'm not actually a huge fan of split-pane file explorers, but I do prefer file explorers which offer the facility if required. I tend to replace Nautilus, with its fork, Nemo, for that very reason. Nautilus patched out F3, whereas Nemo keeps it available. Very handy for when you have multiple file copies to perform.

I did give KDE another few hours of airtime on my laptop, via Endeavour O/S, a few days ago. However, I quickly ditched it - more a reflection on Endeavour than KDE though. I get why Liam like Endeavour, but at its core, it's still Arch, and needs soooo much more work for basic things. I went on to try Elementary OS, but was put off by how custom everything felt. That and the fact that they really push the paid apps at you in their store. Which is kind of awesome really, but it's little in your face. I jumped ship to Pop OS, which I'm continuing to run now, day three. It's okay, but Gnome Shell is generally such a gigantic step back in functionality. I'm not sure I can stand it. I'm going to persevere for a few weeks at least, however, before deciding whether to reformat back to Mint. Give it a chance to win me over.

Reminder: Update your PC info for the next round of statistics updates
25 February 2021 at 4:41 pm UTC Likes: 5

Quoting: Cyril
Quoting: scaineWho the hell is this absolute mentalist? Utmost respect, if not trolling...

Edit to add... holy cow, there are THREE such people. Three. smh.

Are you alright scaine?

Well, I'm clearly 11 monitors short of "alright", but otherwise fine, I suppose.

Reminder: Update your PC info for the next round of statistics updates
25 February 2021 at 1:44 pm UTC Likes: 8

Who the hell is this absolute mentalist? Utmost respect, if not trolling...

Edit to add... holy cow, there are THREE such people. Three. smh.

VRWorkout is a free and open source VR fitness rhythm game
24 February 2021 at 10:41 pm UTC Likes: 1

BoxVR can be pretty intense, but sure enough it's pretty basic in terms of what you actually do - three types of punches, dodge left/right and a squat. I can still call it a decent workout if you go for the 30 minute sessions though.

But this is great. I'll give it a go at the weekend, hopefully my tendonitis will have cleared up by then!!

There's no stopping the Viking invasion as Valheim hits 3 million sales
24 February 2021 at 6:42 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: AkonadyDeath to Early Acess games!!!

Nah, when they're done well, it's a great experience. You just have to look in the right places, use a bit of judgement. And if you're still not sold... fine. They don't affect you if you want to wait for the finished product.