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2.5D multiplayer military shooter 'Soldat 2' announced - yes it's a proper sequel
6 February 2020 at 9:57 am UTC

This feels like an appropriate time to declare I'm on team Necromancide.

The Humble Europa Universalis IV Bundle is live ready to take your time away
22 January 2020 at 9:59 am UTC

Quoting: fractalOn a related note, the EUIV board game can be demoed for free if you own Tabletop Simulator.

Book your entire afternoon for that one. It's one hell of a board game.

The Humble Europa Universalis IV Bundle is live ready to take your time away
22 January 2020 at 9:57 am UTC

Quoting: LakortaEU4 will (most likely) soon get a subscription based service where you buy a monthly fee to gain access to all DLCs (they added localization files for this in a recent update).

Honestly, I think for Europa Universalis it would be more interesting to use a model similar to what the Dominions series has been doing for years now. Just update it for free, then bump up the version and sell the game again every now and then with a bigger release.

Feral Interactive are asking what you want ported to Linux again
14 January 2020 at 10:57 am UTC Likes: 1

1. Cyberpunk 2077
2. Star Wars Jedi:Fallen Order
3. Cyberpunk 2077
4. Doom Eternal
5. Cyberpunk 2077
6. Red Dead Redemption 2

Need to make some pixel art? Pixelorama is a cross-platform FOSS tool worth looking at
17 December 2019 at 10:05 am UTC

Quoting: axredneckNow i need something like this for Android. Now i use Medibang Paint but it's proprietary and not flexible enough.

Godot should export to Android too, so there's a chance this could have such a version, no?

Some thoughts on Linux gaming in 2019, an end of year review
16 December 2019 at 10:27 am UTC

Quoting: TheRiddickLinux has a learning curve along with some constraints to what software you can use and how you can use it. Windows FAR less so, its not about being perfect, its about doing most of what you want. Linux sadly doesn't for most people. Yet anyway.

Depends on what we think that most people do on their PC. If it's surf the web, watch movies and porn and stuff, Linux is great. The things people always talk about are:

a) Office suites. That one I always didn't really understand, I always thought you use those mostly at work, I personally have very little use of them at home. But regardless, it's great on Linux. BUT it's still a push and pull, because M$ does its best to keep their product relevant.

b) Artist stuff from Photoshop all the way to 3D. Perhaps a bit paradoxically, Linux does better in 3D than it does in 2D, as I believe Blender is overall way better built software than most stuff you can get to do your 2D. And this was, is and always will be a big issue, because Adobe are d*cks.

And then of course gaming. Honestly, nowadays I really think it's just a matter of time. The hot AAA games that everyone including your 6 year old son should play come and go. Maybe the next big thing will run on Linux well.

Some thoughts on Linux gaming in 2019, an end of year review
16 December 2019 at 10:08 am UTC

Quoting: TheRiddickHey I was just saying, don't act like Linux is all roses and daffodils, it has a mountain of issues that need to be addressed before we see those steam statistics budge significantly in a positive way.

Hey, it's not like Windows is all roses and daffodils either. There's bugs and "missing features" in every software, OS or game. I have to agree with Liam though that marketing is our biggest problem. Note that not every gamer out there uses every possible gaming store and plays every single AAA game that's currently the hot stuff. I believe we would all be surprised at how many gamers could quite feasibly switch to Linux and still play what they want to play (LoL, Hearthstone, Warframe, etc.) IF they knew Linux existed and that it was an option.

From my experience though, most people are still in the late 90's when it comes to Linux. It's an elite OS for programmers, tech gurus and hackers. Even though they have Linux on their phone. :)

Fighting game Fantasy Strike adds full cross-platform online play with PC and Consoles
13 December 2019 at 11:56 am UTC

Quoting: orochi_kyo
Quoting: legluondunetThe first real fighting game that supports natively Linux! I own this game and it deserves to be present on all Linux Gamers hard disk.

No thanks, this game is a fraud. I remember pretty well, how Sirlin was talking about how "complicated" inputs were taken people away from fighting games and a vocal minority, most Smash players I guess or people who cant input DPs, were practically screaming their support to this whole idea about mechanical skills being overrated and people should enjoy fighting games with easy inputs and everything should be about "making decisions in the right moment without caring about inputs"

But these anti-mechanical skills people, as lazy as they are, never put their money where their mouth is, and this game and many other games with simplified inputs are struggling to even have some few players online, while other games like BB Crosstag Battle needs a lot of fan service characters to stay alive.

Meanwhile "complicated" Fighting games stay on the spot with a healthy player base, except for Smash which since is a Nintendo thing, it doesn't even need to be good, even their own creators don't care about the competitive scene of the game introducing heavy RNG characters to the roster. It's Nintendo and they can sell crap wrapped in foil and it will still sell millions.

I prefer my "complicated" fighting games on Proton, which so far all of them have worked almost flawlessly.
BTW, Skullgirls was the first fighting game with Native support, much before this game even exists. Also, SKG is a much better fighting game.

I think Sirlin with Fantasy Strike nearly nailed it. He came very close to gold, he was just 3 buttons too few - I would add a duck button and maybe one more normal and special button. The game would be near perfect then.
Even though it's difficult to grasp for fighting game master gurus like yourself, us "anti-mechanical skills people" (read, people who can't afford to train one combo for months on and on) do enjoy FGs a lot, it's just that most games in this genre have a high skill barrier, one that cannot be overcome by simply being good. It requires time investment and not everybody has that kind of time. And it's sad.
Because FGs are truly amazing when played well and against the right kind of opponent. On Twitch, fighting game tournaments are my most viewed channels, because the tourney fights are simply put -amazing-. But buying and playing the game gets you a completely different experience and it's even a negative one for lots of people. There's a lot of factors involved, but it always boils down to investment.
I've played SF4, SSF4 and USF4 quite a bit. I used to play against a friend often who could be described as a fighting game maniac - really, it's the only game he realistically played. Needless to say, I got thrashed 95% of the time we played versus each other. His advice to me in order to improve was to get a fighting stick, because in his opinion it was ridiculous that I play SF on a keyboard. He couldn't understand that from my point of view, buying a dedicated controller for a grand total of one game was not a good investment in my opinion. And I couldn't understand why are the controls for the game so arcane.

Fantasy Strike plays on a keyboard very well. The game gets much better when you don't have to worry about getting EX Hadoken instead of EX Senkugoshoha. Finally, what's happening in the game is congruent with what's happening in your head, making for a significantly less frustrating experience. But Fantasy Strike... seems to lack a bit of depth. It's a good game, but does leave a feeling of being a bare bones fighting game. Damage is perhaps too simple. There's perhaps too few moves, especially considering the roster is also kind of small. There are no dashes either and no EX moves. As a SF player, I miss the crouch button the most. Any game where I can't hold down back leaves an empty feeling inside. As such, I admit I play FS very sporadically.

Richard Stallman has resigned from the Free Software Foundation and MIT
18 September 2019 at 10:46 am UTC Likes: 4

We truly live in a f*cked up world. Just like in the Orwell game. Destroy someone by publicizing a statement out of context. So easy!

2 + 2 = 5

Manjaro Linux 18.1.0 'Juhraya' has been officially released
14 September 2019 at 8:56 am UTC

Quoting: Grabby* (I said "until recently", because Manjaro has just added support for the new Prime offloading method. I'm not sure how they handle it and how it cohabits with their bumblebee+bbswitch method, it's something I need to test.)

Do you mean the on-demand GPU switcher that was talked about a bit here on GoL?