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Maia the colony management simulator fully funded on Kickstarter!

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Maia a game we covered here before has been fully funded which is great news since it will be on Linux as well folks!

Since the original post they have added more media including this little test:
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It actually looks pretty cool already I am looking forward to this one!

Not only has Simon smashed his initial goal he has hit over a few stretch goals as well so this really will be a title to be reckoned with!

Stretch goals already hit:
£101010 Cats and dogs.

Aid your colony's defenses with some fluffy dealers of death.

£115000 A full single player campaign and story.

This goal will allow us to write something really gripping, bring in extra voice work and script some very interesting missions to test your mettle.

£120000 A campaign editor!

Design your own single player maps and weave them together into a full campaign!

£125000 Extra detail mode for super high res displays. (2,880 x 1,800+)

Let us create extra high quality assets of all our art to allow the game to hold up way above standard resolutions.

Stretch goals still to hit:
£150000 A robot editor! Design your own robots and turrets!

Combine chassis, weapons, tools, sensors, legs, wheels, tracks and AI personality cores for you to build your own workers, soldiers, turrets or perhaps just a door with an irritatingly cheerful and sunny disposition.

£200000 - Users decide from two things, a mini game like Alien Breed or different planet types for the main game.

Final point - if you miss out on the Kickstarter don't fret you can support the game now on indiegogo as well (so you get paypal as a payment option) and secure yourself a copy + help towards the stretch goals for all payments on it before 20th of December. Article taken from
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